Obituaries, why is it always 'a couragous battle with..........'

Certainly more so than I. I've come real close, but I'm too chickenshit.
Took courage just to say that.
but it sure would take some wrecking ball sized kahunas
Sorry, but no that is a cowards way out and selfish as all get out
Think about it, someone will find the body, and thier life will be ruined

Maybe it's both ... courageous to do the deed and cowardly for giving up hope and leaving a trail of devastation for anyone that cared.
And why all of sudden was everyone that died a great person ? No matter how much of an asshole they were when alive !

I figured that one out.
Don't speak ill of the dead.
1. They aren't here to defend themselves.
2. They can't change . (Anymore).
And last but not least.
3. They may be watching and you don't want to piss them off.
Or my most un-favorite;
"now in the arms of ......."
Nobody gets to see that "guy" until the Second Coming.
Maybe there has already been a resurrection of the dead. How do we know?
Maybe there has already been a resurrection of the dead. How do we know?
According to my Bible, there are two Resurrections; the first is for the Believers, and about 1000 years later is the Second, for everybody else.
So; because we the Believers are still down here walking around among the wicked, and NOT partaking in the millennial reign, there has NOT been a First Resurrection. Furthermore; because NO ONE has reported every eye seeing Jesus in the Second Coming. Nor has the Sun lost 1/3 of it's light nor only shining for 2/3rds of it's appointed time, nor have any of the many prophecies listed in the Bible been fulfilled.
Besides, it's too early
How come on EVERY Police TV show, when the detectives arrive on a murder scene, they ask "What do we GOT?'
First, you don't "GOT" anything.
Secondly, are all TV shows written by the same group of people? Certain verbal habits start to become noticeable after you're aware of them.
On TV shows, many conversations begin with a person saying "Listen". Nobody I know ever starts a sentence with that word.
Watch for those 2 things on TV shows. You'll see.
How come on EVERY Police TV show, when the detectives arrive on a murder scene, they ask "What do we GOT?'
First, you don't "GOT" anything.
Secondly, are all TV shows written by the same group of people? Certain verbal habits start to become noticeable after you're aware of them.
On TV shows, many conversations begin with a person saying "Listen". Nobody I know ever starts a sentence with that word.
Watch for those 2 things on TV shows. You'll see.
Listen Kern..
Sorry, couldn't help myself
I used "inspirational battle" for my Daughter, as courageous as she was!
Could those that commit suicide be considered "courageous" ?

Perhaps so, at least up until the point when they finally made that decision. That is the breaking point where the perseverance to push through becomes overpowered by whatsoever plagues their mind. An old coworker of mine made that decision not long ago, and only then did people find out what he was really going through for a long time. Still, it's not something I could ever see myself agreeing with.
When I die. I'd like people to be honest about me. Say what the good was but also don't hold back on the bad. I am a fallible human like everyone else. Just because I'm no longer on this earth, doesn't mean we should forget the wrong I have done. That's all part of the human experience. Every obituary only focuses on the positive. Well, assholes die all the time. We just choose not to view it in that perspective.
When I die. I'd like people to be honest about me. Say what the good was but also don't hold back on the bad. I am a fallible human like everyone else. Just because I'm no longer on this earth, doesn't mean we should forget the wrong I have done. That's all part of the human experience. Every obituary only focuses on the positive. Well, assholes die all the time. We just choose not to view it in that perspective.
I admit to being an asshole all the time, the thing is, you have to be aware of how others perceive you. Most never give it a thought. Most dont know anything anyway so after a while, I personally stopped caring what others think of me. I do know people always seem to want something from me and that is annoying. I have lifelong friends who never call unless they need a favor or an answer to a question. I never ask favors of anyone I tend to work alone as I feel its a waste of time dealing with help. But that's me. I like being in the garage because the cars and motorcycles don't have a mouth they give me grief but never any lip if you know what I mean...

People will say or tell the negatives of the deceased, but usually never at the funeral.
When I die it will be because I lost a long courageous battle with life.

when i die, it will be because my time is up and i have finished the course God has set out for me
(or potentially i did something really stupid and God killed me for that, but im hoping my time is just up)
Yeah people are always like "dont ride a motorcycle you can get killed" I think "which is better quick blunt force trauma or dying slowly in the nursing home...
When I'm gone, the only thing people will say is "Geez, that guy owed me a lot of money... Where's the beer?"