octane boosters?

Well, I think I may have solved it with the mixture adjustment. I no longer get the pinging as described in the previous post. I haven't put the timing back to the 15 degrees yet but plan to this weekend, and take it out on the freeway and see how she acts. I will also check my plugs and see how they look too. I will post some pics of my plugs so I can get some feedback on the condition of them. I am not so good at reading plugs.Thanks a bunch for the help so far.
first thing that came to mind when I heard of Water Injecting a few weeks a go was, over time won't the water corrode the inside of your engine?
I don't think you actually use water, I know the supercharger store recommends winshield washer fluid, also I would think that at the temps that the water/fluid is introduced it would either mix and burn or evaporate very quickly. I don't think it's alot of water going in there either.