Off to a Job Interview!!

Great news ramcharger......Best of luck to you 8)

Don't forget to SMILE......LOL

Puppy Smile.jpg
Best of luck Joe!!! Its got to be tough job hunting but hopefully this interview goes well and the job is the right 1 for you!!!!
Good luck on your interview!! It seems I never fair well with interviews, exspecially automotive. They always seem to ask me what my specialty is, and I tell them brakes.....what I forget to tell them are...smoke brakes, lunch brakes, coffee get the pitcure!!! LOL
Right on ramcharger!!!!! If I didn't get into school after I got laid off I'd be doing the same as you. I actually may need to get some kind of part time job anyway. I just dont see how people go to college and deal with the finantial part of it. It almost seems like I'll have to work. This sucks. Full time college and a family my barracuda and a job. That is alot to put on my plate.
Joe, just be yourself. Any company who fails to recognize what an asset you are is just missing out on The Best. :-D

Kick butt my friend!!!
Thanks everyone! Interview went well in my opinion but that's not the one that counts, lol. It's for a contract to hire deal, so the gal who interviewed me has to sell me to the other company. I should hear something by Monday.

The hours are 4pm to 2am 4 days a week. I really like it but it might be tough on the dogs.
Good luck with the job. You can look at a contract job as both a company's way of checking out your skills, but more importantly, a way to demonstrate your capabilites and chance for you to check out if it's a company that you would like to work for...

Also, you can still be conducting a passive job search in parallel for something better. Just remember, it's always better to look for a job while you have a job. Makes you appear less desperate...
Keep thinking positive and manifest the idea of working there will happen. Good job Joe!!!!
Glad to see you have a job on the way brother :cheers: My fingers are cross'ed and a prayer sent bud :-D I am glad you have your home page back up on 360quadzilla back up8) I am on my way to get a price on my new exhaust in about ten minutes and buy some dog food for my sons big boy outside.
Man I hope all turns out good and I think you will like the four day work weeks, Your buddies will like to see you coming home at 4 am get your self 6 hours of sleep and 4 hours of house time with them, Then you will have 3 hole days to keep your hobbies going. Your Arkansas smoke free brother Mike.

Good luck with the interview!!! I just got a call from the census bureau to help take the census and will start training this coming Monday. Hey just can't pass up a federal job.:cheers:
Good luck with the interview!!! I just got a call from the census bureau to help take the census and will start training this coming Monday. Hey just can't pass up a federal job.:cheers:
Congrat's Dartnewbie:cheers:
Hey Joe, good luck to ya and I'm sure that if it doesn't pan out something else will come along. Don't get depressed if it does cuss those mutts of yours will pick up on your mood, dogs are funny that way.
