(off topic) MY DAUGHTER EMMA

another EMMA UP-DATE!!!

she's OUT of surgery,doctor said she did GREAT!!!
she has NO chest tube(so far).

She's in ICU now and were waitting to go and see her...ill update everyone soon.


michael,lisa,alyssa,taylor,anna, and EMMA!!
WE JUST SEEN EMMA!!!!...my wife cried cuz when we walked in her room there was 4-5 people in there and as soon as she seen lisa she crys out"MAMA!!"

She a little groggy but seams to be fine..she'll be in ICU for awhile then hopefully in her own roon tomorrow.

the CONNECTICUT CHILDRENS MEDICAL CENTER did and is doing an AWESOME job and i want to thank them!!

thanks again to EVERYONE!!

Great News. As a new Dad, I know how great it is to walk in and have your kid say your name. My boys just started doing it in the last week. It really makes it all worthwile.

They released her today around 11:30am and shes NOW in her OWN crib SLEEPING!!!!

thank-you to EVERYONE!!!
no,not cured...there sending some of her lung to HOUSTON where a DR. LANGSTON who is probably one of the best or atleast in the top 3 in her field of lung disease to see/look at it and HOPEFULLY find a cure.

wont be for a WEEK OR 2.

EMMA update!!!

we got the results of her BIOPSY yesterday...its not good news,she has gotten worse from her last biopsy...we need her to GROW but with the steriods,shes not!!!...the steriods are only putting a BANDAID on her disease.
doctor says she may have this the rest of her life and if she gets worse she may need a LUNG TRANSPLANT...theres only 2 kids in connecticut that have this disease and shes one of them.

PLEASE keep PRAYING for her!!

thanks,michael,lisa,alyssa,taylor,anna and EMMA
Our prayers are with you, your family and especially Emma. Give her a big HUG for us too. Keep faith in God and all will work out for the best!
Mike - My thoughts are with your faimly and little girl. Think positive buddy, I am! Not that I can offer any advice, but call or e-mail if you EVER need anything.
(still looking for a valiant trunk lid and fender BTW).

Mike if there is anything we can do. I know a lot of people in the Medical Field. Also i know some of the Best E.N.T Docs in the state of Cali. I wish Emma welll, and I hope she gets well SOON.