Oh God The Horror, It's Back


demon seed

The Original Demon Seed
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
South Alberta, Can.
I'll let the picture speak for itself. Crap:protest::protest::protest:


Sorry Keith, the bastard should be at your door step in about 2 days, it's a slow mover.



Better take the Valiant out for a drive today, it has been cold and crappy here with rain, hopefully we han squeeze out a few nice days before that crap falls here.
Yah, we got snowed on here in Montana last Thursday and they are calling for 1-2 feet more in the surrounding mountains today and tomorrow. I'm sure that all of my skiing friends are celebrating.
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I'm SO NOT READY FOR SUMMER TO BE OVER WITH YET. C'mon Mother Nature, I know you love your shortie shorts as much as I do .... gimme a few more weeks, please -- I promise I'll be good.
run while you still can, just hoping that this winter is not as bad as last year here in eastern washington. last year was the first winter away from az for the wife, don't think she will ever let me live down my statement of it does not snow that much here, we broke the record last year....
You can keep it in Alberta,,,,yesterday it was 15C (60F) with a slight wind..a perfect day for our last MX race of the ..today, it is 12 and raining..you can keep the snow..

Ian from the Maritimes :)
I don't think its far off in Indiana. Already dipping into the high 30's to low 40's at night. It is beautiful though and helps with the deer tracking.
#-o Not good, NOT GOOD AT ALL :thumbdow:
I hope the sun and warm temperatures head your way demon seed.
Is it to late for Indian summer to arrive up there ?
:thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm: snow!!!!!!!!!
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I'm SO NOT READY FOR SUMMER TO BE OVER WITH YET. C'mon Mother Nature, I know you love your shortie shorts as much as I do .... gimme a few more weeks, please -- I promise I'll be good.
Same here Mother Nature!!! I promise I'll be good to, Just a few more weeks will work for me as well :clock: PLEEAAZZZEE :clock:
"Shorty Shorts" ? Any chance a gettin a pic pulled up on those Leanna. I've got Levis on today as i did yesterday. It's nice and cool but i guess it that time of year. The deer are starting to move so that's atell tale sign. The geese and ducks will soon head south also.
Shorty Shorts....Hummmmm!!
Geez guys,,we have at least two months before snow and me putting awar my shorts,,,lots 'o time for drivin'...

Perhaps you should move down here and enjoy tyhe quiet life and low house values..

I feel your pain man..It's been dropping into the low 40's for about a week now here in the Chicago subs .2 weeks ago it was in the mid 70's.:wack::wack::wack:
Not sure what that white stuff is.:-D he he

I was thinking of going for a swim this afternoon.

Cripes "trapster" there's gotta be one in every crowd...and your it!! My brother lives in Mesa, AZ and I'm already gettin' the calls about: "So what's the temperature in Iowa? We're still in the upper 80s here in the Valley of the Sun!!" Cripes.
That's Ok, when its 105 here, you can send me pictures of your 75 degree thermometer.

It is changing seasons here, it is going from summer to love-bug :)
No snow in Fort Mac yet.

No Snow in Victoria Yet either , hopefully it stays out of Wash st and oregon for a couple of more weeks till I get back from California =P~=P~=P~

P.S. Mike did you find work up there? Is it picking up again ? maybe I'll have to join you this area is dead right now
No Snow in Victoria Yet either , hopefully it stays out of Wash st and oregon for a couple of more weeks till I get back from California =P~=P~=P~

P.S. Mike did you find work up there? Is it picking up again ? maybe I'll have to join you this area is dead right now

Yes I did. I'm working for a local company right now doing residential, but I have my eye on a camp job and am calling them first thing tomorrow morning.
It is somewhat picking up, yes.
I think JR summed it up the best.....That's what I think of snow too!:thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm:

I'ts not here yet but they say it will be here by tomorrow:angry7: