"Oh, sh*t"....when you don't have a reserve and a knife.....

Just as he jumped, I wondered what he'd do if the chute got caught on the cliff. Seems his lights are on, but no one's home. :rolleyes: He's lucky nothing worse happened... or maybe it did?
BASE jumpers don't use reserves anyhow. He screwed up the pack job as the parachute rotated ( at 0:07) when he released and faced him toward the cliff. The parachute wants to drive forward by design the result being the cliff cutting off the airflow into the ram-air and it collapsing (repeatedly)

He's lucky for the chute snagging on the outcrop because the situation was irreperable.

Occupational hazard.
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So now what? No reserve chute! Hopefully the chute won't rip the rest of the way. How does he get rescued? And who pays for that rescue?
"Who pays for that rescue"

THAT is the several million dollar question. And who pays for the risk THEY take if someone is injured or killed?