Hello there, I'm in the middle of putting my 69' Dart together, and have installed a 7 quart Milodon Oil pan and pick up on my 340. The motor I bought used and it already had a Deep oil pan on it, but it would not work with my center link. So I drained the oil, removed that pan, and bought a 7 quart Milodon with a recess in it for the center link. That part works fine, except, the previous oil pan had a dipstick built into it, and the Milodon does not. So I bought a dipstick that will go directly into the block, from Milodon, made for the deeper pans. Here's my problem, the motor also has a remote Oil Filter set up with two oil fliters on it. I know this sounds like a dumb question, but how many quarts should I put in it? I have no reference as to where the full line should be on the dipstick. It's a 7 quart pan, but I have two filters plus the hoses, how much oil will that all take up? Should I put in 7 or 8 or more?