oil pick up tube height?



Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Nicholson Georgia
well i got my free oil pan for my 360 yesterday from J-MAC hell of a guy for doing that my question is how do you go about putting the pick up tube in the right spot? i want to install this motor within two weeks i'll be posting pics of this process in my restoration thread
Thanks Terry:cheers:
I install the tube into the pump and measure from the oil pan rail to the bottom of the pickup body. Then I'll take and put all the gaskets and windage tray if you're running one on the pan on the workbench. Lay a straight edge across it and take your measurement. I went with 1/4 inch of clearance from the bottom of the pan and you should be good to go.
I set them at 1/4~3/8" clearance to the bottom of the pan. Don't forget to figure in the gasket thickness when measuring. It's not much but adds up.
I set it at 1/8-3/16 without any gasket or tray(BB). Ends up right around 3-16-1/4.
Mopar was pretty smart and put a partial cover on the bottom of the screen. The pickup can touch the pan and still get plenty of oil. The Cheby guys are in trouble if their pan is dented. LOL