Oil pressure

Yeah my pickup tube does not look like that at all mine has a lot bigger tube and the bottom is shaped like a rectangular box with a screen on the bottom side that is flat.
The OP is asking about his 440 not a hemi, if the pick-up screen is a "hooded type" the bottom should rest on the oil pan.

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Mr.Hoover said they would sometimes create a vortec at drag racing revs )(his words , not mine ) even on 340`s...if they were on the bottom of the pan, I have never run one on the bottom on any engine I built , 400 sbc , hemi , or this 505'' wedge I have now in my 68 fastback.......

I have/had friends with dam fast 340`s , they dont run them on the bottom of the pan , and an 18 time national record holder that I grew up with , that doesn`t , of course you must have enough oil to keep it covered at all times...
food for thot ...
Tell Mr. Hoover to talk to Mr. Chrysler maybe they can tell us both something. I just go by the shop manual, stock requirements is all I need to know about. I run nothing but stock parts for my Dart, and we are both happy together. The only time I run 12's is coming back home with some beer.....
This type of pick up 3/8 off the bottom of the pan, never had an issue. Put your straw in your drink and hold it 1/8 off the bottom, then move it up to 3/8. big difference,

FWIW, the pictures were posted for reference. They were not posted to drive a point or opinion. Then too, the open area at the screen I'm sure is large enough by design to continually feed the 1/2" ID of the tube off the bottom of a stock pan / pickup combination.
Do as you like with your straw.
That's what I was thinking..... I'm thinking that I need an oil pan baffle. I'm going to purchase another pan put baffles in it, buy a stock oil pickup. Until I do that I'm going to run an extra quart of oil and not raise hell.