Ok I'm PI$$ED



Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Today has been a screwed up day. all started out with my girlfriend taking her moms car into midas to have the brakes checked AGAIN after having had taken it in almost a month ago. i had come by before the first time it went in and had told her it seems like the master cylinder was going out (mind you it was replaced 2 years before damn foreign cars) so she took it down and aperantly all they did was replace the pads turn the rotors and "check" the master cylinder. so it goes in today for the same damn problem it had the first time oh but now its the master cylinder that was bad. so i call um up and yell at them for a good 30 about how non mechanicly inclined and brain dead they are, and tell them to put it back together ill fix it myself being as how i could find i problem they couldnt in the first place. so my girlfriend goes to take her mom down and pick the car up.....they get out of the car and begin to walk into the building to get the keys when some dumb @$$ biotch on a cell phone backs up out of the parking stall and hits her mother hard enough to throw her on the trunk lid where she can see there is a little child in the back seat looking at her. the woman gets out STILL ON THE DAMN PHONE mumbles are you ok then jumps back in the car and speeds off without giving any information or offering medical help if needed. then ontop of that aperantly the guys working in the car bays witnessed it and just stood there (needless to say i went down there and had a few words with them). when she walked into the office all the guy said was so did you get her information OH MY F-ING GOSH. If i could have drug everyone of them out into the strret and shoot them i would have. how inconsiderate can some people be. and as for the cell phone woman with the child in the car who knows who she will hit or kill next. girlfriends moms ok though lil sore and couple bruises. GRRRRRRRRRR!

well it seems as the guys at midas have yet to stop getting under my skin. girlfriends mom called me up late lastnite and told me her breaks were 100 times worse than they were before the car went in almost non existant. so i grabbed some tools to go have a look. poped the hood and the first thing i notice is the sensor that plus into the master cylinder resivor is hanging out and appeared to be an attempt at putting it in with a little force UPSIDE DOWN. i mean come on they only go in one way how stuipd are they. and then i notice the resivor isnt quite full knowing it was prior to going. so i check and lone behold there is a wet spot around the back like....the damn thing was finger tight. so needless to say i called them today and chewed their asses out for 30 min over how much would they love my foot in their *** and a nice law suit for not checking the vehical and alowing it to leave in a hazardos mannor. ive got the regon mannagers number now and will be calling him shortly ill keep you guys posted on the war at hand.
That sucks. If she is really hurt you should get the police involved. If she was leaving the same place they may have a name if you give them a description of the car. Hope everything works out.
I don't know how long you've live here in Fresno but after 9 years what you described is a typical day here from my observations, the poor mechanics and the driver.

The way I understand it, driving with a cell phone is AS dangerous as driving intoxicated so what kind of a mother do you think this woman is?? Probably no license either. If you would have gotten the drivers info it wouldn't have mattered, the cops can't give her any tickets because it happened on private property plus they would have been in a hurry to get the report filled out and go because they don't want to bothered with that stuff. My mom got rear ended while she was stopped at a light by a guy doing about 45 mph, the Fresno PD asked her why she didn't go through the light to avoid getting hit!

Don't even get me started on the parts changers... I mean wannabe mechanics here in town.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow, JB
ive been here in fresno 10 years and yes you are right about how things are. what really gets me about the phone thing is i work for caltrans ( californias department of transportation) and there has been alot off close calls and people killed that work for CT. so i get REALLY peeved about that. as for the police report i called them and an officer showed up but yet the people that worked there said she didnt come in for service so they were useless again and all we could give as a discription is color and model of car so that went no where with them.
We had a situation near here a couple of months ago, where cops pulled over a woman for speeding, while on her cell phone, without her seat belt, while breast feeding her baby. And she felt the cop was being unreasonable.

There are some amazing people out there.
Last time I was in fresno, clovis to be exact, I remember people couldn't drive worth a *^%& or even multitask the least bit, everything was slooooowww.
my bro in laws in clovis. ever seen a maroon and silver 37 chevy street rod? that would be him.
Here in Arkansas you will get a ticket for the phone use and testing while driving, You can and will get pulled over for not having your set belt on.
I don't know about where you live but here in the town of Jonesboro
"pop 55.570" I could give the police a description of the car and they could find the car on camera at a near by intersection.
Man that is about the worse day a man could have dingo77.
I hope this hit and run gets her a phone call to show up to court :angry7:
She took advantage of the situation and hauled @ss, And the midas misfits are full of #$#$%.
I hope everything clears up and gets better for ya :angry7: That is crazy.
Glad to hear your girlfriends mom is ok.. that couldve been way bad.. I cant believe people.. I have issues with cell phones and driving myself.. If I have to make a call... I pull over and park.. I dont talk while driving, and I am still mystified and horrified by the idea of texting while driving.. the fact that people can even believe thats a rational practice just f*cking kills me.. Every time I pass someone texting while driving I get this urge to run them off the road, drag them from their cars and beat the snot out of them... LOL .. 7 years ago now, somebody rear ended me while fighting with his girlfriend on the cell phone.. I was stopped at a light, he came flying down the street, dropped the phone in mid fight, and decided to pick it up.. when his head came back up, it was all over... Luckily I had to be taken to the hospital, or i wouldve ... well... you get the idea LOL
Here in Arkansas you will get a ticket for the phone use and testing while driving, You can and will get pulled over for not having your set belt on.
I don't know about where you live but here in the town of Jonesboro
"pop 55.570" I could give the police a description of the car and they could find the car on camera at a near by intersection.
Man that is about the worse day a man could have dingo77.
I hope this hit and run gets her a phone call to show up to court :angry7:
She took advantage of the situation and hauled @ss, And the midas misfits are full of #$#$%.
I hope everything clears up and gets better for ya :angry7: That is crazy.

Illegal here in NY state, too, Mike, but almost unenforcable. How hard is it to see the cop coming and drop the phone? Too many self-important wienies out there who think they are oh-so-important that they need to take a phone with them everywhere they go and endanger the rest of us. And pull over and talk? That would mean actually thinking about others besides themselves wouldn't it? We live in a selfish, me first society, unfortunately. Hell, where my sister lives, in Watkins Glen, even the idiot village cops cruise around with the cels stuck to their ears. At least the local sheriffs and the staties pull over.
Dingo77, sorry you've had the bad experience with Midas. Guess the store I worked at was an exception. We had a couple of guys there who had done brakes and exhaust all of their adult lives and were sharp at it. That store was in Ithaca, NY, where red lights are only suggested and the store was right at an intersection where accidents happened frequently. Almost as soon as we heard tires screeching one of us was headed to the phone for 911.
As far as your experience with the store itself, remember that most of these are franchises and there are usually district managers to talk to. Our district manager was an older guy and a real harda** about customer satisfaction. And there's always corporate to talk to. Our franchiser had mystery shoppers, mystery callers, and released satisfaction ratings based on customer experiences. Too many middling or failing grades and the manager's and mechanics' jobs were on the line. I believe the corporate website may have a survey on it.
its state law here to to not be on the phone unless hands free and to not text while driving but unfortunatly whats the use in passing a law that local P.D. doesnt even follow. man if i had a $ for every cop ive seen on the phone or texting while driving i could move out of this chicken $h*t state. Yes daredevil i have seen that rod around qutite a few times looks good. ive also met all the boys at snow white lol.
3/4 of the police here don't drive nothing but truck's, unmarked.
They blend right in here in Arkansas. And most likely around you to.
A young gun 18 years old can not have more then one person in the car with them.
I wish I had a dolor for every kid I see on the road with there ear stuck to the phone, But the state beet me to it :-D
rameth has some good advice for you dingo77.
3/4 of the police here don't drive nothing but truck's, unmarked.
They blend right in here in Arkansas. And most likely around you to.
A young gun 18 years old can not have more then one person in the car with them.
I wish I had a dolor for every kid I see on the road with there ear stuck to the phone, But the state beet me to it :-D
rameth has some good advice for you dingo77.

I just thought about what I said 8) Anyone under the age of 60 on the phone, everyone is doing it :stop:Not just the kids
too true mike. since i work on the state roads i yell at people so much to get off the phone its not even funny. and speaking of being on the phone. aperantly my girlfriends collage dagree biologist sister just called saying she got pulled over for being on the phone but the officer let her slide on that.....instead he gave her a sitation for not having her 4 yr old daughter seatbelted in......scuse me while i go yell at her now.
Try South Florida, Terrible Drivers ,terrible Mechanics, Half The People Dont Have Licenses Or Insurance
The ever popular bumper sticker around here says "hang up and drive." No wonder American productivity sucks compared to the rest of the industrialized world such as Germany and Japan. Most of us cannot focus on the task at hand, and that task, in this case, is driving. I use the royal "we" and "us" to describe our nation, not those in this thread personally, so please don't take offense. That being said, we are nation of forced ADD. My generation watched Sesame Street as a kid, with it's 30-60 seconds sound bites on the letter of the day and moved on to Mtv, back when it still played music videos, where the sound bites moved to 15-30 seconds with enough screen flash to merit a disclaimer to cause seizures. The idea was to move at the speed of thought, but then you have to have a brain to process said thoughts. Twitter? Update our lives with less than, what, fifty words? Why, SpaceBook takes too long?
Our venacular displays this very thing. The idea that a store is open 365 days a year is now said to be open "24/7." Everything is becoming acronymned, when only the government used to use such things. Personally, I have almost no use for such "text" and "internet speak" as "WTF," or "u" or "r." Personally, if I'm chatting with someone, say on Yahoo or AIM, and the other person starts using this, the conversation is effectively over. It tells me they can't take the time to type two more letters to spell out "you" or "are." If we as a society are willing to bastardize our speech in such a manner, just to get it done, then what else are we willing to sacrifice in the name of expediency?
In the instance of cellphone driving must we think that multitasking is the name of the game? When it comes to focusing on one task the old adage of a "job worth doing is worth doing right" has gone out the window.
everytime i see someone texting while driving i act like im gonna give thee ole richard petty side check and they freak out and most usually they hang up lol