ok pics up



Asa style
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Don't matter
i got my cars up in the pic thing took forever im on dile up so ya 30min per pic so i had to have my bor do it on his puter took him 30 secs
Some cool rides you have there.The wagon looks to be in great shape bodywise.
thanks bud the body is rell good on the the wagon its just the floor pans but the back of it of it where the spare gos is fine it has a little rust round the tail lights not much need a motor it somkes like a trin but im going to try to get that motor running 1st i got a 225 out of a 75 plymouth f body that ghoing in wheni get the cash it clean it up and paint under the hood and the motor
For painting under the hood,I got some paint from Canadian Tire,it,s Chrysler Glasier blue.It was a close match..pics of before and after..
re and re of 66 Dart 001.jpg

re and re of 66 Dart 007.jpg

re and re of 66 Dart 001.jpg

re and re of 66 Dart 007.jpg
if i have enought paint after i re paint the 64 the same paint that on it i mite paint it the same