Old Guy in Biker Bar



Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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An older gentleman goes to a biker bar, seats himself at the end of the bar, and orders a beer.

A few Beers later, he looks down the bar, and hollers to the bikers there, "Hey boy!! I just came from yer Mama's house, she is one hot number!!"

The bar tender rushes down, and says, "SIR! That is the meanest biker that comes in here, he'll KILL you for talking about his mother like that! Please, I don't want a fight, be quiet."

So the old man settles down for a bit. But after ordering another beer, he hollers down the bar, "Hey BIKER BOY!! I'm gonna go home and have my way with yer Mama!!"

The Bartender again rushes down and quiets the man. But soon, he hollers down the bar again, "BIKER BOY!!! Yer Mama is one sweet piece of booty!!"

The Bartender rushes down to quiet the man, but the biker arrived at the same time. He lifts the old man from his stool, and hustles him towards the door.

"Yer Drunk!! I'll give you a ride home Dad."