Old Sayings



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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South Charleston, WV
With winter settling in I go back to the old wives tales my Granny used to tell me. My kids found a woolyworm the other day. Granny used to say the wider the black band on the woolyworm the harsher the winter... by this pic,
we are in for a long cold winter. What superstitions or wives tales (Old Sayings) can you share with us?


My grandpa had bunches of 'old sayings' but the two that stuck with me, and have proven to be fairly true, are:
"You won't get much rain when the sliver of the moon looks like a bowl. You'll get more rain when the sliver of the moon is tilted so the rain can spill out."
"You're going to have a longer winter when the pine trees have more cones on them in the fall. Less new pinecones, shorter milder winter."
Thank you 3404speed, yes that is a typical " wooly bear or what I call a wooly worm. It is supposed have brown on it. I have seen really bad winters when they have NO brown on them... I'm getting a bigger snow shovel...:angry7:.
Wow, you W Virginians are really gonna get more than a snow shovel if that's the case! The woolly bears I've seen this year are less black than orange, so I was hoping for a nice warm, short, winter! Yeah, fat chance!