Old, woreout, sometimes it just time...



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
Like many on here, I am getting long in the tooth, that refers to the horse getting old as per what his teeth does. I have made it to 74, and even with a few close calls. Most of my friends and relatives never made 60.
Close calls? I won't list them all. The first was getting hit head on at age 25 by a 85 mph drunk one Sat. AM about 9:00. I was headed over to the next county to work on a 60 ac. I had just bought. SW Ga. Dad was following me. I had the 68 Ford hooked to my goose neck flatbed loaded with a tractor and equip. The drunk had been out drinking all night with farmhand buds actually over at a friends farm, and was racing his girlfriend back to town. He lost it just as I meet him. Well it killed him, and it shattered my left knee cap and cut the tendons in to. It took a year before I could climb back on a horse. Heck it took a year before I could half *** walk. Now almost 50 years later, the knee will just fold up sometimes and over I go, hard.
So here I am after building Mopars since the mid 80s. Good thing they always came and went or I would not be able to walk here for them. But, I am wore out. I can get down and hardly get back up. I have a rear end that needs changing out in my 64 Savoy project, and as you might imagine, hard for me and the wife to get it done. I've never paid for such, and I asked a couple of local half *** "mechanic' on cost and they want $250 and that is with me having it loose!!! hahaha I live in the sticks. I have lived alot further out in the sticks before though.
So, there are 5 old cars here, 4 Mopars and 1 AMC> I need to get down to 1 or 2 cars, done. Now is now the best time to sell maybe, and Texas is a GM and truck state, plus big as 4 normal states.
The current Mopar herd. The least is a 49 Dodge, a two door, Wayfafer, all original fluid drive, flathead. It was restored decades ago, the owner finally going to the home, and passed at age 90 something. It sat outside for years. All there but rust in bottom of doors rockers, etc. non runner. If it was a 49 Chevy it would sell in a week and for double what I might get. I always wanted tobuild a 50s hot rod. It ain't gonna happen. And I have never been one to say "never".
Only A body is 62 Lancer, 2 door, wife claims it, I did all the body/paint 6-7 years ago and redid the paint last year in B3 Blue she likes. I pulled the engine for work. I have the original 3 speed for the col. shift or a 3 speed for a floor shift and all parts to convert. Toads are rare as hens teeth but that does not make them worth many $$$$$$!!!!!. She said, sell it if anyone is interested. Ihave noticed peoplewant $5-10000--- worth of body/paint work for close to free. hahaha
Most, (MOST ????? hahahhha ) valuable Mopar today here is the 64 Savoy, slant 3 on tree car. I have done all the body/paint and its rust free and solid. A 5 footer?? The wife always likes to point out my paint "flaws". I tell her IF I had a lighted booth, NO cataracs, 20 20 vision, and not woreout, I could do perfect work again! I have many times before.
I built a 64 Savoy way back in the mid 90s. Ditched the slant, added a 440 4 speed, changed out the rear. COOL! BUT back then there were tons of "real" muscle cars, heck hemis and max wedges were all around to be had. 68-70 Roadrunners were fairly solid complete and still cheap. The first price FALL had occurred in 91-2. So I asked myself, WHY did I build this!????? Loved that car! I have always loved the early B bodies, and that was what sent me to the early A bodies about 2000, I loved their looks and builds.
Ya the Savoy needs the tapered rear gone or get rid of those darn axles. Its been for sale, had a few close calls. Tx. guys. I would love to finish it, found a good 383, I have all the parts and pieces.
Then there is the 64 MORE door Belvedere, good running poly 318, PB. I got it in a trade with a $500 Volare wagon no one wanted. My first more door crew cab Mopar. It was running, new AMD floor pan, (which now go for $1500 plus shipping IF you can find one). Pretty strait, no rust, a few small dings here and there. SO I keep it. I could not part it. Now, with nice paint, good brakes A100 style new buckets, carpet, new AMD windshield and back glass, new tires. I have about $3500-4000 in it and can't sell it!!! All the guys that say, "great car, cheap enough, wish I had the money, wish I had room, wish the wife wold let me,wish it was closer" are all 1000 mi away!! Any one ever here that before!??? hahahha
I did have a guy drive from N E Pa. to here last fall and bought a 62 Dart More door roller, I had painted. Gas wasn't "that"high back then!!!!!!
Last but not least is the 7 Hornet, 258 straight 6, solid nice driver, PO had taken it on the Hotrod power tour once. IF our everyday modern drivers, went to heck, it would get us any
where we need to go!

I wonder IF those knee braces would keep me standing vertical??? I asked the doc, he just said they are hot!!!! Wife says wrap it in dust tape....Go figure?????





I had a 77 hornet AMX trim, with a 304 and a dana 20 rear axle, actually it was a very rare car... I still have the 401 with forged crank rodfs and dog leg heads i was going to install in it.. The car went away sadly.

This is not mine but it is exactly what my car looked like.

I was in the same boat. I feel your pain. Hips shot,legs and right shoulder.Surgery set for mid August to patch me up a bit. Gave myself a 2 year plan and sold off about 70% of my cars and parts.Only kept one car to play with and enough parts for it.
I just figured what I had in the stuff and sold for a price as not to take it in the shorts.Didn't make anything but the stuff is gone. Have only 2 daughters and didn't want the wife and the girls to deal with this stuff if I kick the bucket.
Sometimes you just gotta say "When". Hang in there.
I had a 77 hornet AMX trim, with a 304 and a dana 20 rear axle, actually it was a very rare car... I still have the 401 with forged crank rodfs and dog leg heads i was going to install in it.. The car went away sadly.

This is not mine but it is exactly what my car looked like.

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Yes you had a cool AMC as you well know!!!
Yes a V8 Hornet is, was another car on my bucket list. Yes rare cars and those # cars are costly. I would build one, but I don't see it happening. Actually I can change out engines SO much easier than a complete rearend!!!! I almost bought a 71 Hornet six car 6 months ago but it was in Ok.panhandle and I can hardly sit in the truck that long anymore! I wanted it for a v* swap. Someone bought it before I cold convince myself to do it! Now I can't afford the diesel!!
I was in the same boat. I feel your pain. Hips shot,legs and right shoulder.Surgery set for mid August to patch me up a bit. Gave myself a 2 year plan and sold off about 70% of my cars and parts.Only kept one car to play with and enough parts for it.
I just figured what I had in the stuff and sold for a price as not to take it in the shorts.Didn't make anything but the stuff is gone. Have only 2 daughters and didn't want the wife and the girls to deal with this stuff if I kick the bucket.
Sometimes you just gotta say "When". Hang in there.

Me.... 3 1/2 years ago, triple bypass. I have a shoulder that is totally f****** as a horse fell on it 10-12 years go. The other is sorta wore out too. Arthur here and there. I could be way wore, so not complaining.
I tried to give a grandson a good tin nosed slant trunk when he was in college. He didn't want it so I sold it and gave him the $$.. He bought a wore out ricer and it promptly fell apart. His mom then gave him her car and ??? walked ???? He graduated this May with a degree in oil field geology. Its called something fancy. Left June to work for an Ok. oil company starting at $75 grand. Maybe he will buy me another old slant trunk??????? Naw!!!!!!!!!!!!
I relate to your story. Not 70 yet but thinking I should have the daily driver and a "toy". The way gas and insurance is, it may have to be a combination. Getting up from under the car is taking time but not painful as before I went to the chiropractor. Shoulders hurt and they are part of the reason I retired. But then I took on a project working with my arms above my head...and for the most part they are okay. Just don't overdo it. My thought is to thin the fleet and parts, put the proceeds into a vehicle and enjoy what time is left to me. AND if I don't clean up before I die, my wife has said she will kill me. Best wishes to your Grandson! Hopefully his work will not tkae him to other countries.
pardon me for the reply, but the "Golden Years" is the color of your urine because either you forget to stay hydrated, the medicine you are taking turns it colors or you don't drink water because you get tired of going to the bathroom or are afraid of falling. sorry, just a little rant. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
pardon me for the reply, but the "Golden Years" is the color of your urine because either you forget to stay hydrated, the medicine you are taking turns it colors or you don't drink water because you get tired of going to the bathroom or are afraid of falling. sorry, just a little rant. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
I resemble all of the above...:(