We have a couple, friends in their mid 40s, very active, NOT fat, they both had it bad and are long haulers. Hope you recover quickly and 100%!
Steve I've met you a few times. I know with the family you have around you, you'll beat this! You know you want to see those grandkids drive your cars!!I feel lucky. I thought it was over and I was good and then the heart and lung issue hit me. I could not breathe. I was not Vaccinated. The man in the room next door was Vaccinated and he died. The ventilator was the life saver. But when they take it off its all up to you . Very hard to keep breathing once they remove it. Unless you are conscious and sitting up your done. Don't let them lay you down on your back.
I have a breathing tube at home now to strengthen my lungs . I started at 4.5 I am at 11.0 they want me above 15.5. When walking from one end of the house to the other for the bathroom it takes three breaks one every 15 feet. First sign is no smell no taste and then it hits hard.
Thanks for sharing your experience, hope you are feeling better soon.I feel lucky. I thought it was over and I was good and then the heart and lung issue hit me. I could not breathe. I was not Vaccinated. The man in the room next door was Vaccinated and he died. The ventilator was the life saver. But when they take it off its all up to you . Very hard to keep breathing once they remove it. Unless you are conscious and sitting up your done. Don't let them lay you down on your back.
I have a breathing tube at home now to strengthen my lungs . I started at 4.5 I am at 11.0 they want me above 15.5. When walking from one end of the house to the other for the bathroom it takes three breaks one every 15 feet. First sign is no smell no taste and then it hits hard.