On her Majesties Ebay Service.......LMAO

Only use the best "Castro" oil. Is that stuff imported from Cuba ?
"stands out like a Stallion." LMAO. I keep finding these hidden gems I didn't notice earlier.

Is he trying to suggest the exhaust pipe is dragging on the ground?
This guy is obviously talented if he can get that kind of money from a worn out ex police car! CANCER! He must have brain cancer!Now guys I always wondered why your police keep there cars for so long? Over here in the land down under our gov depts. only keep there cars for 50 thousand kays (30 thous miles) or 6 months whichever comes first. They currently run turbo charged falcons and SS comodores and a selected few falcons with the 350 kilowatt supercharged coyote V8s.They are a good buy at the auctions.
LMAO thanks for this post, about spit half my coffee out this a.m.!!! I'm wondering about the test you'd have to take to purchase the vehicle, what your intended use would be. How could you ever name a use that would suit such a bold majestic car that likes to be noticed? Parade car for the Secret Service?