On the hill.



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
As some of you know I am retired and a stay at home adeva.
I let my wife use the shower and get out then I start my day.

Well I was just started brushing and shaving then all the sudden herd a big noise just out side!! not 20 feet away.
Then it happened The chipper gave a big growl and just about tripped getting my pants on.

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Nice. Thats what I see every day! We have chippers about twice that size, they'll eat up to 18 inch diameter logs.
so it looks like you didn't get nailed by the tornados and the golfball size hair that they were talking about on the news. How far from you was all that?
They did a good job and cut everything nice and short for splitting =D>
Know I need a couple young'ans to run a splitting machine and stack it up.
they had to be taken down,#-o

There sure is allot of wood out there:glasses8:

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so it looks like you didn't get nailed by the tornados and the golfball size hair that they were talking about on the news. How far from you was all that?

About 50 miles southwest of me.:pale:
Memphis is getting some bad weather know:tongue9:
That's good.. when they said Arkansas getting some wicked weather today, was hoping you'd be spared.. Have to laugh though, this morning getting ready for work when I heard it, I said to my wife.. jeez, hope memike doesn't get hailed out. My wife turns and says "what's a memike?" I explained, and she laughed.

That's good.. when they said Arkansas getting some wicked weather today, was hoping you'd be spared.. Have to laugh though, this morning getting ready for work when I heard it, I said to my wife.. jeez, hope memike doesn't get hailed out. My wife turns and says "what's a memike?" I explained, and she laughed.


Laughed out loud at that one :toothy10:
My little dog looked at me like I was cazy,
Thanks OneOfMany8) All I have been getting is aalloooooot of rain
and heavy winds.

My brother know calls me memike.:-D
New toilet !!! ug heep taller.:drinkers: first picture ,
We just got some hail and lighting and yes more rain.:bootysha:
They have all the doors opened at the Northfork lake dam.
All rivers here are flooding out of there banks and still rising :tongue9:
All is fine here on the ridge.:drinkers:
I thought for sure some one would ask
if I got some free chips out of the deal.:-k
Treva and sis are very happy.:cheers:

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Glad to hear you're safe and sound and full o'wood over there Mike! We got 2 1/4" inches of rain last night and a LOT of wind, but the Tennessee tornadoes didn't get close this time (whewwwwwwwww!)
Glad to hear you're safe and sound and full o'wood over there Mike! We got 2 1/4" inches of rain last night and a LOT of wind, but the Tennessee tornadoes didn't get close this time (whewwwwwwwww!)

I old mind failed me:banghead: I forgot you are a neighbor.:rock:
glad you and yours are fine leanna.:wav:
We sure have been getting hit hard this spring.:wack:
At mid day is was very nice out side home alone.:drinkers:
Hmm, that sounds like quite the weather! Up here... supposed to be 20 above 2morro (celsius). I hope our nice weather floats on down to you guys too!
It is going to be getting cooler at night here this week end,
high 30 deg's at night, then get back to the norm.:cheers::cheers:
Mike, I know what you mean about that "teaser" Springtime weather. It was 68 degrees here yesterday and a bit cloudy. Today, it SNOWED. Not a lot, but in the middle of April any snow's too much.

Stay warm down there!
I thought for sure some one would ask
if I got some free chips out of the deal.:-k
Treva and sis are very happy.:cheers:

Memike I just wanna' be sure I understand this correctly........are you saying that Treva and sis are very happy that you got wood? :-D
That cleared the chest :sign5:

You men are killing me:thumleft: lMAO:-D