onecatnodog has found you

onecat has been to swamped to play on the site... 52 girls in 2 months have been photoed at the shop... Lots of fun but lots of work... Many nights staying till 2 AM... It will give them lots of pictures for there port... onecatnodog



Hey onedog I was looking at getting a lift for my garage and was wondering where I can get one of those accessories at. I could use some help with my air wrench. LOL

Very nice Pic, Looks like you are getting a little riskier, you might have to go to the blue room if you keep it up..
I know I called you onedog Not a big cat fan Sorry.

It was a typo I am sure.
T-Granger, the Prowler is known as a CAT, and I try to have only one of something in my small collection of cars that is 99% Mopar.. I'm not a big fan of Cats either even though my wife had one for 19 years.. I thought he was going to out live me... As far as being Risky, I only post up Family Viewing pictures even though I have been asked many times on this site to post up in the Blue Room.. Just a couple of things to think about when you are lift shoping and that is the heights of the cars that you are going to be putting on it compaired to the height of the garage ceiling, and the garage door in the UP position... Great Job on the Duster Hemi Build, and nice Challenger as one is in the cards for me in the future... onecatnodog

Thanks oneCat, I had my garage built with the intentions of putting a lift in it.
I have a 30*30 garage with a 12ft high ceiling, so the lift is going well behind were the door in the open position will be.

I am glad to hear that you will not post to the blue room, it is nice to see someone with standards and you post some nice clean pics.

The Challenger is one of the best cars that I have owned for sometime, and I get a lot of my inspiration for my duster from my Challenger, if it is not that obvious.

You will enjoy the car when you get it.
T-granger there is more than just the height when putting in a lift... If your car is over 3,000 lbs there should be 6 inch concrete under it as the 4 monting points will have to not only hold the weight of the car but the weight of the lift... A lift made it easy yo take this shot... Reflection off of my black Prowler shows the silver Prowler on the lift underside... Prowler Girl Jordon was so kind to hold the pose... John(onecatnodog)
Any of you local Mopar owners here in Colorado I can make it happen for you... I can take a few pictures of your car with some of the Hot Colorado Models and Post them up for you in the Hot Mopar Babes section... Your car doesn't have to be perfect, or even have nice paint as I can make it look good with the angles that I use to shoot it... The MODELS WILL DO THE REST... send me a text to [email protected] or Text me at 720-934-3540.... John(onecatnodog)

Happy Halloween from onecatnodog featuring Prowler Girl Nikki in a Halloween Costume... onecatnodog
Welcome to FABO

This is a great site with lots of good people.

Sorry to say that my computor will not pull up the photos you attached. It sounds like it is a big loss for me.

Anyway, have fun!


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Great picture of your Cuda Brother... Thanks for the welcome... onecatnodog

Prowler Girl Lauren shown with Downtown Denver as a back drop.... :happy1:
T-granger there is more than just the height when putting in a lift... If your car is over 3,000 lbs there should be 6 inch concrete under it as the 4 monting points will have to not only hold the weight of the car but the weight of the lift... A lift made it easy yo take this shot... Reflection off of my black Prowler shows the silver Prowler on the lift underside... Prowler Girl Jordon was so kind to hold the pose... John(onecatnodog)

Hey onecat any more of this beauty, I forgot to ask when i saw her on the Hot mopar thread. I think there was only this one pic... I may just have to go back through your posts thanks. Thanks to all your modles outstanding work.
Here you go ChasDuster, Prowler Girl Jordan at the shop... onecatnodog








Prowler Girl Christina, starting the New Year with a Bang! onecatnodog



dodgeboy... It's a lot more work than one thinks... Friday night I scrubed the shop floors and wiped things down and brought up two cars.. So I put in 5 hours of work doing that, after working my normal 10 hour job.. Then I washed the two cars and that took about a hour each and set up all the lighting so there is 8 hours total and I haven't even taken a picture yet.. Left the shop at midnight on Friday.... Sat. morning I was up at 5:00am.. Showered, shaved, and breakfast in me and picked up my helper, as I try to never shoot alone, because of one reason or another... Pulled up to the shop at 6:30am and cranked the heat on to warm the place up as my first shoot was at 7:00am, second shoot was at 9:00am third shoot was at 11:30 with Christina... 1:00 I ordered Pizza and took a half hour break with Christina and my helper then back to work shooting... My 2:00 model texed and said she was running late by 1/2 hour so I shot Christina for a half hour longer... Shooting inside can be a lighting nightmare, but my helper helps me move lighting, props and keeps the cars wiped down and moves the ladder as I was shooting three bays and some outside shots as I had some friends stop by with their cars... My 4:00 Model canceled so I had my 6:00 Model show at 4:30, and texting has become part of my life as all the ladies use it, I hate it but I use it... So I was done shooting for the day and it was about 7:15... Yep I'm burnt out at this time as I have been up and down the ladder more than a Fire Fighter, Laying on the floor, up on the work benches, just working angles to get great shots... Am I done for the day... NO! I have to take my cars back to storage and load up all my lighting equiptment and put everything back were it goes in the shop then take my Helper home... Yep, done at 10:30pm... Now when shooting Models like Christina or any of the other models you must deliver great images if you want them to shoot with you again, plus if you do you know they will tell there friends... Is it FUN... HECK YES! If it wasn't I wouldn't be doing it... But it's alot of work also..
:happy1: onecatnodog









A Black SL always looks good! Though putting a different set of wheels on it wouldn't hurt.
It's hard to top three Hotties working on your car at the shop... It was my Idea for them not to get dirt on there shirt so they removed them for me... How nice was that...




Car Show Cuties.. 2012 Denver Auto Show onecatnodog
Prowler Girl Red...







Prowler Girl Nessa













Prowler Girl Stevie... onecatnodog



The Prowlers will be going to Vegas from May 6-12 and there should be over 100 Prowlers there... I will have to share some of the pictures that I will be taking with you all...
Look forward to seeing them as I always enjoy the picture of the cars, and of course the great looking woman that you always have. Nice touch adding the red shoes it really changes the focus point of the picture.

I would love to see the rest of your portfolio, and the pics that do not get to be here.

Great shots as usual.
I would love to show you more of my work T-Ganger, but I can't... The deal that I make with the models Keep those Special Images private to protect me and them... You could say I bend over Backwards and so do they for the use of my Family Viewing Images Only that I show under my onecatnodog name... onecatnodog...


Prowler Girl Monica...
Prowler Girl Suzy... Now you know why the Mechanic's charge more if you watch... onecatnodog
Has anybody ever seen this on a Mopar... Kind of looks like the Chevy badge but it's not... Here is a teaser and then I will come back with more images of the Mopar Car... onecatnodog