
I'm not sure, but I think Tony is the first guy I conversed with on a forum here. Although, more than likely it was Adam:-D

:cheers: Happy Birthday Tony:cheers:
My thread did not get any hits this morning in the general dissection thread
so I will post it here

Tony Tony!! Bday


I would like to thank onehellofadart for all his great great music and moderator skills he has shared with us here.:cheers:
If you have not listened to his great music you should :rock:
Waiting for Helen is some great blues to rock that I can't get enough of.

And add that he helped me keep up with my spelling along with my sanity:-D

Happy birthday brother peace.
Sorry Mike, Didnt see it.

It fits better here Adam,
He is onehellofafart that has a great monster Dart.
And I have been been taking up allot of room in
the general dissection thread, and he is a Mopar Discussion :thumbrig:
To our Bluesman, Happy Birthday Tony!
(Ya want me to punch Adam in his arm for ya? LOL)
Thank you ladies and guys! Onehellofanoldfart, [-( hmphhh! LOL!!!!!

I can't believe I'm getting so old :pukel:, I'm still 21 in my head! Too bad I'm don't feel that way in my back and legs. But thank God the mind and fingers still work well! LOL!!!

Peace, Tony
Thank you ladies and guys! Onehellofanoldfart, [-( hmphhh! LOL!!!!!

I can't believe I'm getting so old :pukel:, I'm still 21 in my head! Too bad I'm don't feel that way in my back and legs. But thank God the mind and fingers still work well! LOL!!!

Peace, Tony

You have to admit, That was pretty good, LOL

I dont think I would be so worried about my mind and fingers as I would a certain other part though. :-D