Opinion & Advice wanted buying the wife a car...

Odd...we have had two subarus .an'95 that we sold after she racked on 365Km..and now our '05 wth has 295kms...other than consumerables, we have had no real problems..however, we service them on a regular basis. ..Oh, and we get over 30 on the hwyway..

The late model mustang we have has been bullet (pardon the pun) proof..I have heard that this has been rated as ford's best assembled car for quality.. gas milage is great until I use the loud petal alot :)

Buy her what she wants or everytime time she breaks down it will be your fault and really, those old cars are pretty to look at but by today's standards, are pretty crude.

It soulds like you want the car more for you so buy it for you and let her go shopping..

Good luck.

Parts are too expensive for newer cars? Domestic vehicles have much cheaper parts. Now don't get me wrong, I'd own a foreign vehicle, but I'd never buy it new (unless I won the lottery and bought a Lambo or something).

I made the mistake of purchasing an older vehicle for my wife (1975 Trans Am) and it has been a huge headache and source of contention. She wanted it and loves it, but it has needed more work, time, money and knowledge than I have to get it to a reliable driving condition. Come to find out, what she really wanted was a sporty, little, purple car, but never really told me.

Anywho, let us know what you two decide on.
We've had two WRXs, a 2004 and a 2007, trouble free and not really all that hard to work on either. Everything is packed in on 'em really tight and fourteen things are in the way of what you want to work on but they are really not too bad to work on. I love my A-bodies and Dodge Pickup but the Subaru is fun, looks decent and the wife LOVES it. The Barracudas, the pickup, and Valiant are available for her to drive and she takes the WRX every day except for a beautiful, sunny day when she can put the top down on the Valiant.