Opinions please?



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
State of Jefferson
Re: Installation of carb spacer and heat shield.

Which works better: Spacer below the heat shield, or the way around?

I could make an argument for either, but I'm sure there is a preferred sequence.

Thanks for the input!
I’ve never done either, but I think it’d make more sense to put the spacer above the heat shield. That way the carb is isolated from the heat shield.
I have always put the heat shield below.

I would think the biggest bang for the buck would be spacer - shield - carb
The way my Kentucky hillbilly brain came to the conclusion of shield-spacer-carb is this… if the shield deflects a certain percentage of the heat (let’s say 85% for illustrative purposes) and absorbs the rest (15%) the spacer between the shield and carb should be more than sufficient to keep that small percentage (15%) from reaching the carb.
Honestly, I don't think it matters. The heat shield I used would have had better fuel line and throttle cable access with the spacer on top.
Try it both ways, see which works best for you.
I think heat shield against the intake, then spacer. But not much in it, either way.
I have always put the heat shield below.

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Sorry, I don't mean to hijack this thread but @Darter6 , your inbox is full. I had an unrelated question...what is that small belt driven electrical device in the photo, bottom left? Love the headers by the way.

Oh and I agree, shield closest to the heat source and then spacer to get carb further away from any radiant heat.
Old school Mr. Gasket electric water pump for drag racing.
Sorry it says my in box is full, can't seem to load it tho.
I'll keep trying.
Fixed. All clear
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