Orange Box?

I have done the HEI module inside a ECU. Have pictures but can not find mine but this one is another members kit.
Fake Mopar unit.JPG
On all the NEW ECU's the "Transistor" on the front with the Heatsink are fake and empty. They are bolted on underneath to look like an old ECU. Inside the potted goop is a cheap module like a HEI but not anywhere as good.

I used a propane torch to burn/melt the potting goop. It will destroy the module inside.

There are a couple post on here on how to modd an ECU and I used a Pertronx HEI inside mine. The cheap HEI failed in 25 miles.
Done 1.jpg
Cheap HEI Front.jpg
Cheap HEI Rear.jpg
Done 2.jpg
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i've seen those damn orange boxes leave more mopars stranded then i can count.. seems like any orange box built after, say the mid 80's was hit or miss... way too many failures of them for me.