Our latest winter blast


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
Yup, Old Man Winter has struck again. This time we got 18 or 19 inch's of the crap and it is still snowing. I shoveled for 9 hours today and only got half of my driveway cleared. My driveway is 400 feet long. The snowbanks are about 20 feet thick and 7 feet high now. My plow truck is down for tranny repairs. I have to get it right this time. This reminds me of when I rolled my first Demon back when I was 19 years old, every part of my body is aching. I'll see if I can get a pic or 2 tomorrow. That is, if I survive the night. LOL

Christ sake, I was bitchen about 4" and 17degree temps here in Ohio. My bad.
Relax and warm up Jack, 9 hours of hard work and that shtuff is still falling.
Didn't I install a defrost system last year :-k Turn on that new 220 breaker down at the bottom of you breaker box I installed.:cheers:
Wait that just covers the first 150 feet.:banghead:

Give your self a break Jack and don't over do it.:toothy10:

50F and sunny winds 2 to 7 mph and I have a sun tan :poke::toothy10:
Well that sucks, hope it stops, what a pain that must be :angry7:
Not to call you old or anything, but please be careful shovelling that much...My girlfriend lost her perfectly healthy uncle when he was just shovelling the snow one day and had a heart attack....maybe invest in a snowblower since it does all the work for you...whatever you do dont overstress your body...my dad is 50 and super healthy (goes to the gym for like three hours everyday and has a better body than me and im 19) but i still cant help but always try to shovel the driveway so as not to have him strenuate himself...whatever you do just be careful- your health is more important than your driveway
break out the jack daniels and say hell with it. spring will be there in 3 months lol
daredevil is right to Jack,:drinkers: May as well wait on May.:happy10:
I'm going fishing Thursday. It's supposed to be 84 here then:cheers:
Sounds like its been here. We're well over 19 feet since October and our snowbanks haven't gone away at all really.

Take it easy though man...I'd be working hard to get that plow truck fixed instead of killing yourself shoveling. We have a plow and a snowblower so its not that bad for us.
Yup, Old Man Winter has struck again. This time we got 18 or 19 inch's of the crap and it is still snowing. I shoveled for 9 hours today and only got half of my driveway cleared. My driveway is 400 feet long. The snowbanks are about 20 feet thick and 7 feet high now. My plow truck is down for tranny repairs. I have to get it right this time. This reminds me of when I rolled my first Demon back when I was 19 years old, every part of my body is aching. I'll see if I can get a pic or 2 tomorrow. That is, if I survive the night. LOL


Dude, get a snowblower. Aside from making the job MUCH easier, it's also quite fun if you're the tinkerer/mechanically-oriented type like me. I have to ask, why would you NOT have one in a place that can get that much snow at one time? Hell, you should get a riding mower with a snow-plow on the front.
Asking the Mopar Gods for an early spring and to melt all that crap for ya....

Take it easy and hope you can get the tranny fixed & the snow plow going. :cheers:

That is a ton of snow........not wished on anyone.
With 19 inches of snow and a driveway 400 feet long, I would be calling my neighbors and friends and cashing in some favors to get my driveway plowed.
Get the camera out Jack, Let us folks see what mother nature can do up there.
Yes Jack you should have a snow thrower,just incase your truck is down(other problems).You can do walkways around house.I have a 100 foot driveway that is attached to neighbours,so I,ve got to throw snow down and over.It,s a pain in the $ss.Don,t over do it!

You need one of these Jack. :cheers::cheers: Supposed to be in the low 70's here today.

Hey Jack, I know exactly what you mean. We were in the 22' to 28" area of the storm. I had to work in it all night, and then go home to find out my son tried to help, and got my plow truck buried. I got stuck trying to pull it out, and the guy that came in to pull me out got stuck. Got home at 7:30 AM and got inside at noon....and it was still snowing. Had to clean up again the next morning. We had drifts over my head.

Come on May, camps a calling me. :-D Tim
Wow Jack, I saw that on the news last night, you guys sure got dumped on.
We've almost made through another one, better days are coming.
Here are the pics I took. Keep in mind that the snow has had a few days to settle and the banks are still this high.

First pick is a couple of weeks ago. The second is the same bank now.



That is allot of snow Jack, I hop you got your trans fixed on your plow truck.
Thanks for sharing the great white north with us.