Outstanding Actor Donald Sutherland gone at 88

RIP I always remember Animal house when he's assigning homework and the kids are just walking out of the class he says "...I'm not kidding this is my job..."
He was a goodun for sure. I like him as the chick magnet in Space Cowboys. lol
Great Train Robbery with Sean Connery, one of my favorites with him. The western with his son Kiefer was also a good one..Many others for sure. Thanks Sir RIP.
He will be missed. One of very few who's characters, thus his career, got more powerful as he aged. Most of us fall off with age.

Great actor from my hometown. Thought one of his best roles was "Oddball" in Kellys Heroes. Strange there has not been much on the story in the local news.

Also played a great part in the movie version of Mash.
Great actor and you knew if he was in the movie the odds are it was a good one.
Thanks Donald, RIP.
Yes, he sure made many people look good, a great actor tens to do that.
RIP Donald S. Thank you for the time enjoying your roles in movies
Man I was just flipping thru Boobtube looking for a montage of clips. I didn't find one that covered most movies/scenes but holy cow he was in a LOT. Dirty dozen, Ordinary People, Hunger Games, Invasion of Body Snatchers, etc.
Ran across Ordinary People 2 nights ago. Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch. Interesting movie. Sutherland was young in that movie (1980). Kiefer Sutherland definitely takes after him. It reminds me that no one gets off this planet alive.