Painting '70 Dart Grill



Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Redding, California
The black paint on the grill between the fins is partly blown off and chipped from years of driving. I'd like to restore it back to looking nice again. There are no cracks or broken pieces.

What is the best way to paint the inset black areas and what would you use? Just like trim black?

the way i painted mine after i sanded and cleaned it was i painted the whole grille flat black then after acouple of days i got out the masking tape and x-acto knife took some time but it turned really nice
Good luck. It took me almost 3 days to tape off all that. I painted the silver first, then taped it off to paint the black. What a PITA. But my grill looks 100% better.
I painted the silver first and then used thin piece of plastic cut to size to protect the silver and hand apinted the black. It took 40 hrs. to restore that *****! but it looks factory new.