Painting POR 15



Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
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anybody have any experience working with and or painting body parts coated with POR 15?
Yes , I did whole frame and under body of a 37 Plymouth coupe I had. Great stuff hammer hard. I don't know what all you want to know. Basically you get it on ya ,you wear it for along time. You can spray it but I don't recommend it, brush or roll. read all the directions and take them literally. Don't paint out of the can, pour some in a container as it starts to dry as soon as it hits the air. I put a piece of plastic wrap over the opening then put the lid on this helps keep the air out. Por 15 has no UV guard , ok for chasis but anything out in the sun will need a finish paint over it. Other then that pretty straight forward . Wear latex gloves . Good luck
POR 15 is paintable. I would scratch it up a little but not really necessary.
All in the prep. As with any paint job. It bonds great to rust and rough surfaces, but it will come off in sheets if you paint it on a Smooth, unprepared, or greasy surface....did an engine bay once...or should I say twice ;) but overall great stuff! Id use it again. Just need to rough up anything.shiny, and remove any oily contaminant.
As long as you use a scuff pad, yes they say u can paint it no problem
wondering if you can paint over this stuff successfully?

You've already been told once yes. How many times does it take? You think the guy is lying to you?

That's why POR15 makes top coats. Go to their web site and read up. It tells you all about it.
Also ,like was said prep. They sell a metal prep from POR15 that is good. spray on then rinse off will take contaminates off and etch the steel and by the way you can paint over POR 15
I think I shot primer over it while it was still tacky and then painted over top of that. Been years ago.
I give it an A+ and yes I got it all over me and you wear it off and I believe that you CAN paint over it! Ha ha just messing with ya! It is good stuff.