


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Always see the same bunch of folks. Couple of older guys are fixtures in Northern Spokane. Same scraggly looking younger folks downtown. Young lady trying to trade some of her posessions. Seen a different one yesterday. Clean cut, clean clothes....walking along with his smart phone in a holster and a cigarette in his hand. Sign read please help me make my co-pays.
I think not, but I'd help him find a job! He's probably over qualified for most types of work though. ;o)
Its called "working a sign" IRS accepts that as a source of income on tax return. :wack:MT
Springfield, Mo seems to have more than its share of panhandlers. they have their favorite spots at some busy traffic intersections. signs have a variety of messages. other day, I was sitting at that light, the "guy" is standing on the island between the lanes with his please help me sign. 4-5 cars in front of me. all of a sudden he hits the jackpot, can't run to each car quick enough to gather his $ bills. now i'm sitting there wondering, why do I drive 65 mi to a crap job that only an old fart like me can get, and here this dude makes $5 in the duration of a stop light. ????
he would possibly tell me how i'm just an old fart dumbass!?
They can clear good money for sure. We were just taught work hard and everything will be ok. Im an old fart as well! well not THAT old! MT
I see those bums all over Florida. If they can sit there all day begging, they can put in for a job at the stores they are in front of. Some people really need help, but the scammers and meth heads ruin it for the ones that truly need temporary help.
that's the problem. not gonna give too the lazy bums, and have no way to tell the difference between the bum and someone that deserves some help.
that's the problem. not gonna give too the lazy bums, and have no way to tell the difference between the bum and someone that deserves some help.

Sure there are. Just ask the right questions.

"I'm hungry. Can you spare a few bucks?"

"I'll buy you a sandwich." If one is truly hungry, he or she will be more than willing to sit and talk while he or she eats.

"I'm hungry. Can you spare a few bucks?"

"I'll buy you a sandwich." If that's met with "f*** you," then chances are he or she needs the money for a fix.

I'll feed someone. But I won't feed someone's habit.
Sure there are. Just ask the right questions.

"I'm hungry. Can you spare a few bucks?"

"I'll buy you a sandwich." If one is truly hungry, he or she will be more than willing to sit and talk while he or she eats.

"I'm hungry. Can you spare a few bucks?"

"I'll buy you a sandwich." If that's met with "f*** you," then chances are he or she needs the money for a fix.

I'll feed someone. But I won't feed someone's habit.

Good post.
I get them all the time when you get out of your car they are on you like a fly to sh** trying to bum smokes of wanting some change.
99.9% of the time you can smell booze on their breath.
I'll offer to buy them something to eat, but they don't want that.
Funny story, i saw an indian guy in front of a beer/liquor store i was going into to buy some beer.
He asked me for some money to buy some booze, he said he wouldn't lie to me.
I gave him 5 bucks because he was honest about it.
He called it the indian hospital.....(The liquor store)
True story!
I laugh at them,but do have a friend whom does it.Hes on dissabality. We call him crash test dummy cause he stayed awake for 2 days driving his cab and hit a tree at dfw airport and he is lucky to be alive .He collects 500 just for a couple hrs a day and is helping his kid through collage
I laugh at them,but do have a friend whom does it.Hes on dissabality. We call him crash test dummy cause he stayed awake for 2 days driving his cab and hit a tree at dfw airport and he is lucky to be alive .He collects 500 just for a couple hrs a day and is helping his kid through collage

$500 for a couple hours of 'work?' You can't be serious.
Had a guy who worked for me 9 months every year in the summer. The other 3 months he "worked a sign" in LA. He would clear 35k in those three months, tax free. no kidding. MT
Springfield, Mo seems to have more than its share of panhandlers. they have their favorite spots at some busy traffic intersections. signs have a variety of messages. other day, I was sitting at that light, the "guy" is standing on the island between the lanes with his please help me sign. 4-5 cars in front of me. all of a sudden he hits the jackpot, can't run to each car quick enough to gather his $ bills. now i'm sitting there wondering, why do I drive 65 mi to a crap job that only an old fart like me can get, and here this dude makes $5 in the duration of a stop light. ????
he would possibly tell me how i'm just an old fart dumbass!?

Yes it does, and you can't drive more than a few blocks, without seeing a help wanted sign. We had help wanted on our lighted street sign in front of our store, for two months. Netted two applications. Another store close by, has had a sign trying to hire cashier's. $10.75 an hour. Been up for a month now. I guess I'm just getting old, and cranky. If your too lazy to work, then go hungry. Starve!! I don't care. I don't mind to help people, who are making an effort, but if you won't help yourself, then why should I?
I was just reading a news article where the police arrested a "homeless" man with 800 dollars in his pocket.

I actually HAVE offered to feed a few before. One took me up on it. Ended up at the Burger King right downtown. Turned out he was a Vietnam vet. Had all his ID on him too. Dog tags included. We talked a couple of hours. He was a nice man. He kept talking about how he would repay me one day but I told his company was enough. I gave him 20 dollars before I left. I hope he is ok wherever he is.
Ernie used to see a woman under one of the over passes near where we used to work. She had a dog with her. Ernie stopped at Jack in the Box one day and bought her something to eat and drink. While she was very grateful she asked Ernie if we had dogs. She asked Ernie if she could bring her some food for her four legged friend. Ernie bought her a small bag of dog food. Every few days she would stop and check on her and her pooch. And bring the pooch another bag of food whenever she needed it.

I was in town last year and seen a young guy with a sign...he had a young dog with him. He was right down the road from Petsmart so I grabbed him a bag of dog food. Guy was in tears...

I seen one today with a sign....Why lie...need beer....gotta admire his honesty. Still did not give him anything.

Few years back was in Walgreens parking lot. Young woman cam up to me with the sob story...trying to get back to the coast and ran out of gas. Had to be back by the next day so she could start her job. I opened my wallet and gave her ten bucks. She seen the twenty in it and said she would give the ten back if I would give her the twenty. I told her ok...she handed me the 10 and hit the window up button.....*****......
I have lived in other countries where some people would consider "third world countries" and I don't believe the panhandlers there nor any in the USA. Its a scam in most of the other countries and in the U.S., its a business and I don't buy into it.

The U.S.A. is the land of opportunity with food in abundance, if someone cant make it in the U.S.A. nature is telling them something about their ability to survive as a human.

There are a thousand ways to hustle and make side money here with good ol hard work without losing your pride. Without pride and honor we are nothing and for those who would stoop to begging like a dog...I feel sorry for them and I am not feeding into their B.S.

My money goes to bright shining stars who just need to catch a break ....such as a guy I know locally who is a talented automobile mechanic and metal fab guy. He is welcome to use my tools and I have helped him get his own because he is trying......really trying to help himself and all without giving up his pride or dignity.
was in Houston in April, light was red and the Old guy sitting in the wheel chair in the median with his sign.
All at once the Heavens opened up and the Rain came
He jumped out of the wheel chair Running a cross 2 lanes of traffic pushing that wheel chair.
just makes you wonder some times
Well I got news. In this day and time any number of us is one harvest away from starvation. One slip up away from being homeless. We don't know all their stories. I agree a lot of them are probably scamming but to lump them all into that pile is cold hearted and un-Christian. I will not be part of it. I would rather take the chance of being scammed and actually help someone. No way can we know what their troubles are. We could be right there next to them at any time.
two guys were standing on opposite corners with their signs and when they left one of the guys had his pockets full of money and the other had none. He asked his buddy with all the money what was on his sign and he said "Only Need $10 more to get back to Mexico"
I don't give anyone cash, but I have put gasoline directly into their cars or bought them a couple of burgers. If they have two hands and two feet, i like to offer to buy them a broom so they can at least sweep some driveways and make a little cash honestly. However, I am still waiting for the day that someone takes me up on my offer of buying the broom in the first place, no takers so far.
was in Houston in April, light was red and the Old guy sitting in the wheel chair in the median with his sign.
All at once the Heavens opened up and the Rain came
He jumped out of the wheel chair Running a cross 2 lanes of traffic pushing that wheel chair.
just makes you wonder some times

Unfortunately that's common. You see that on dateline every couple of years. People dress up as the disabled, old, poor..etc... then the cameras secretly follow them to their new luxury cars where they take off their costumes and drive off. I don't give money to beggers. I'll give to my church (which runs a food bank and shelter) or to bonafide charities. If you need real assistance these places will help you. JMO
Ah found one [ame=""]Fake Beggar Scam Busted - YouTube[/ame]
Well I got news. In this day and time any number of us is one harvest away from starvation. One slip up away from being homeless. We don't know all their stories. I agree a lot of them are probably scamming but to lump them all into that pile is cold hearted and un-Christian. I will not be part of it. I would rather take the chance of being scammed and actually help someone. No way can we know what their troubles are. We could be right there next to them at any time.

You my friend have the heart of someone that knows the true value of giving.

There but for the grace of GOD go I.

There is no need to wonder if the gift is deserved. One only need to know that giving is good for the soul. GOD sees your heart. You give with no thought of return or justification. You just give.

I was just reading a news article where the police arrested a "homeless" man with 800 dollars in his pocket.

I actually HAVE offered to feed a few before. One took me up on it. Ended up at the Burger King right downtown. Turned out he was a Vietnam vet. Had all his ID on him too. Dog tags included. We talked a couple of hours. He was a nice man. He kept talking about how he would repay me one day but I told his company was enough. I gave him 20 dollars before I left. I hope he is ok wherever he is.

I can't remember the circumstances, but a few years ago at McDonald's I asked a hungry man what he wanted. He was polite and grateful for the food. BUT I did not sit down with him, I just went on my way. It wasn't a good feeling to discover about myself, that my "generosity" only went as far as reaching in my pocket but not giving a lonely person a little companionship.