[WANTED] PBR Small Block Heads

Still looking for a set of John's heads. This could be a purchase or a borrow/loan situation. John had a lot of success porting the Edelbrock and Speedmaster style heads. Ultimately I would like to test the heads on my bench against other similar heads and perhaps get them on a dyno to see how they compare. If you have a set or have interest in seeing the results or learning more about my intentions, please send a PM.
Or at least if someone can make you a port mold to compare from.
Knowing John, I bet most of his ported heads are in use.
I'd be very interested to see how they compare to other ported versions.
Knowing John, I bet most of his ported heads are in use.
I'd be very interested to see how they compare to other ported versions.
I agree. It may be a big of a long shot, but we’ll see what happens. I think it was @Mean416 that mentioned how nice it would be to get a CNC program made from John’s ports to keep them available. If the owner of a set of his heads wants to do that I would like to help make it happen.
I know this is technically a wanted ad, but it should be a sticky in the main SB Mopar board until something pops up...
I know this is technically a wanted ad, but it should be a sticky in the main SB Mopar board until something pops up...
I’ve heard the term sticky, but never tried to figure out what it is. Educate me please.
I’ve heard the term sticky, but never tried to figure out what it is. Educate me please.
It's the yellow section at the top of each subject where posts have been saved for easy access cause they never be buried.
Since He has been given Legendary Member status, His PM's are locked/closed, & neither of His Sons have reached out to this site TMK. I was under the impression that He had some Member's projects unfinished, but I could be mistaken. Unfortunately, Stickies get looked past quite often. So while the thread won't get buried, it may not get noticed, may be better to keep posting now & then in the Pittsburghracer Gone thread.
@toolmanmike Opinions?
Still hoping to find a set of John's heads, even if it's just for dyno testing. Please contact me if you have a set.