Perfectly Normal, Everyday Words That Some Think Are Offensive



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Working as a security officer in downtown Los Angeles on the graveyard shift (circa 1984), I called my supervisor to inform him there was a woman in the lobby that was requesting entrance to one of the two (closed) 52 story buildings (yes, LA has it's own "twin towers" but only half as tall as those that fell in New York City).

He ended up chewing my *** off, and told me to never refer to a "lady" as a "woman" again. And all this time, I thought a male human being was a "man", and a female human being was a "woman". Silly me.

What brought this to mind was today's article (MSN) on the Queen of England, who uses the term "in the family way" because she regards the word "pregnant" as vulgar.

Working as a security officer in downtown Los Angeles on the graveyard shift (circa 1984), I called my supervisor to inform him there was a woman in the lobby that was requesting entrance to one of the two (closed) 52 story buildings (yes, LA has it's own "twin towers" but only half as tall as those that fell in New York City).

He ended up chewing my *** off, and told me to never refer to a "lady" as a "woman" again. And all this time, I thought a male human being was a "man", and a female human being was a "woman". Silly me.

What brought this to mind was today's article (MSN) on the Queen of England, who uses the term "in the family way" because she regards the word "pregnant" as vulgar.

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I guess The Queen wouldn't care much for "knocked up", "PG", "Bun in the oven", "The rabbit died", slipped one past the goalie, "baby bump" or Prego?????????????
Apparently the F word is not offensive if a celebrity used it. It’s comedy, if I use its offensive
I guess The Queen wouldn't care much for "knocked up", "PG", "Bun in the oven", "The rabbit died", slipped one past the goalie, "baby bump" or Prego?????????????
Actually The Queen has a very good sense of humour and would probably laugh at it.
Some people are ignorant as to what some words actually mean.
Like the word "ignorant".

I'm ignorant as to why the word ignorant is so offensive to some.:D
(I'm really not, but for the sake of the sentence I used that example)

On the woman/lady thing, my Dad used to tell us that all females are women, but not all women are ladies.
It didn't make a lot of sense way back then, but it sure hit home later.:D
I have never really understood the whole concept behind vulgar language such as profanity. Who decides what is a bad word or not. Is it a sin to say ****? Or ****? I believe in God and try to live right by the commandments I have yet to find in the bible that **** is a bad word where did that come from? Now I was always raised to not curse in front of women and children and elderly folks just because its rude. But who decides what is cursing or not? One word i dont care for is GD. I feel that it is using the lords name in vain. Which is clearly in the bible. But nowadays that word seems to be acceptable for TV a prime time shows. I just dont understand who makes those decisions .
It is not the word itself that makes it rude, it is the context in which it is used. Those offensive words (which now are becoming commonplace) were "traditionally" used to offend others. That is how they required their "bad' reputation.
They're ******* words. Get the **** over it.

And I'll say it. Stopped up. That's what I call 'pregnant'.
most any actual description is unacceptable now....but if you add a vague descriptive word followed by "challenged" sometimes you can get away with it.
I prefer people who are quite know how they think.
I remember as a kid we always used to call everybody “dorks”. One day my Dad told us “don’t use that word, it has other meanings”. Well, of course we couldn’t wait to find out what these other meanings were, and when we found out!....we basically went back to calling each other dorks again, but with a newfound respect for the word. Who knew we were actually using it right all that time??
The father in law didn't want me to use the word crud. When I asked why he went and got a really old Merriam Webster and told me to look it up. Definition number 2 - Dried semen!
My best friend was warned at work not to call anyone "stupid". Now he wonders if the word will eventually be eliminated from the dictionary.
