Personality Type.

I'm an asshole. I don't need some stupid online test to tell me that.
Did it for the grins...............
ENTJ for me as well. Still reading my description (actual work interrupts such things lol) ... but it's intriguing. Thanks for posting!
INTJ here. Taken the test several times over the years. About 25 years ago someone told me Mopar guys are a bunch of nerds...maybe he was on to something. : )
ESTJs are practical, realistic, and matter-of-fact, with a natural head for business or mechanics. Though they are not interested in subjects they see no use for, they can apply themselves when necessary. They like to organize and run activities. ESTJs make good administrators, especially if they remember to consider others' feelings and points of view, which they often dismiss.

According to Keirsey, ESTJs are civic-minded individuals who dedicate themselves to maintaining the institutions behind a smooth-running society. They are defenders of the status quo and strong believers in rules and procedures. ESTJs are outgoing and do not hesitate to communicate their opinions and expectations to others.

^^^Mr G, you need a new job....apparently sales isn't in your wheelhouse :wink:

Most of the sales folk I know seem to be ESTJs...
ISTJ - I run a business with a few dozen employees so I tend to think of myself more like an "E.F.Hutton" kind of guy ..................
I've had to take it a few times, and I always come up INTJ. In late high school, I forced myself to be more outgoing and it was really helpful in a lot of ways, but I'm still happier when there aren't a lot of people around.