PG Classics Upholstery



Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Anybody have some input on PG Classics seat upholstery?
I think Legendary is quite a wait ...and pricey now!
Everything is pricey and a wait now, if you can get it at all. PG Classic get almost everything from China or overseas somewhere, but who knows, they might get it from Legendary. That said I have several of their re-pop parts and they all in all have been pretty good, I got one part that had poor chrome to the point you could see copper and they sent me a replacement and I sent that one back.
Sorry but Legendary is the best.

I cannot help with wait times or helping you replace stuff in a few years when the other stuff falls apart.
I also understand about “waiting” and wanting it “now.” Poke around as plenty of other places sell and have inventory. But ya got to dig.
I bought a set for my 69 Dart AL, after sewing in a pocket that they missed they fit fine buyer beware.Hopefully there workmanship has improved, its bin 7 years tho.
Peter Gee (PG Classics) makes everything in China and when you buy from our restoration shops a lot of what you are buying is made by PG Classics.
I've been impressed with everything i have purchased from him but i haven't used his upholstery?
I've had the opportunity to have PG and Legendary seat upholstery and door panels side by side, and after a few years, the quality shines thru !
PG upholstery material is quite a bit thinner, and with summer heat, the seats stretch and get baggy at the butt.. Legendary material is thicker, has superior "grain", better fitting, and " feel" better.
The door panels share the poor material qualities, fitment was ok.
I also purchased a dashboard,. 2 actually, the first had shitty chrome and partial lettering, like"VIPEP" for wiper, "VARM" = warm, they wouldn't let me keep the first until second arrived, paid the return shipping, got second dash, WISHED I had kept the first ! !
When I phoned to complain, the lady that took the order originally, in very fine English, - all of a sudden "have to speak to bossy man, he be back next week, no speaky English so good". ! !
Three weeks later , finally caught up with him, many calls later .
I've done several cars since, won't use PG again , quality is worth the wait .
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Well I guess some have higher standards then some,,there is a ton of aftermarket stuff coming from forin country's that just don't cut it I am with you inertia.
Good info..tx.
Nice to get a response with actual experience on their upholstery!
Depending on the car your local upholstery shop can do a fine job, but if you want original style heat embossed inserts there is really only one company to deal with, Legendary. I considered finding a local shop for my '67 Barracuda convertible, but in the end went with Legendary. I was prepared to the lead time and still haven't installed them (received them last October). I need to finish building the new garage so that I have room to work.
Yup...and the lead time shouldn't matter if you are restoring your own car. I've never been under 2 years on any build.
Reviving this...anyone got input on current PG Classic upholstery and also curious about Parts Unlimited Interiors.
Anybody have some pictures?
I went with Legendary upholstery about 5 years ago. It wasn’t cheap, especially after the exchange rate and it took a while (placed the order during their annual Veterans Day sale and was shipped in early February). Had a shop locally install it. Every time I get in the car I continue to believe I made the right choice paying a little more and waiting a little longer. If I was going to flip the car, I wouldn’t have gone with Legendary.
OK...TX for all the replies about Legendary.
I have Legendary upholstery in my '69 Dart. Even though it came with one loose thread in a full length pleat
and has always bugged me I installed it anyway and live with it.
I think at half price I could live with flaws in PUI or PG interiors too.
I might pull the trigger and find out for myself. If they are not acceptable I'll have to return them.
My cars are not numbers matching or worth big dollars.
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TX Don, i picked up a 68 roller to put together a "driver" using parts i accumulated
over the years. Not putting a $2K plus Legendary interior in this project.
Actually "used" would be OK as long as it's not too rough.Need to find someone replacing
their original pieces.
TX Don, i picked up a 68 roller to put together a "driver" using parts i accumulated
over the years. Not putting a $2K plus Legendary interior in this project.
Actually "used" would be OK as long as it's not too rough.Need to find someone replacing
their original pieces.
got ya if i know you it will be a nice car.enjoy.
Have Legendary interiors in 3 Darts. On one a seam split on the bottom of the bench seat. It was 4 years old. I called Legendary and they never even asked any questions - take off the old cover and send it to us, and 4 weeks later I had the replacement in my hands. Now that is what standing behind your work means!!!
I put Legendary seat covers and door panels in my 69 Barracuda about 25 years ago. they still look like new. The only person who can make the decision is you. IF you can afford the Legendary price difference, that is definitely what you should get. If you are OK with less quality and have decided that your car does not necessarily need the nicer covers, then go with a cheaper version.
PG Classics is a Chinese con artist selling shoddy Chinese garbage. I got bitten hard enough by their poor-quality merchandise and nonexistent after-sale support (we got yer money; why would we talk to you any further?) that I will not purchase from them again.
Sounds like you had a very bad experience with them. How long ago did this happen.
harrisonm... You obviously have experience with PG interiors. Nice to get a response based on
...was this 25 years ago when you installed Legendary that you found Legendary was nicer and PG
quality was not good?
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I use local shops because a seat cover should not have to be that big an investment if you ask me. They have the original/old covers I give 'em and seem to be able to duplicate them pretty well (fine by me anyway). The pleats are one inch on the ABody bucket but that is because I authorized the change (less work with wider pleats). The savings in time and money is phenomenal. I guess it helps I am in Mexico.


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