Phase converter going in

RT one thing you might consider, is simply using a smaller, typical 1 1/2-3hp single phase compressor for some of the smaller jobs. It would likely be more efficient overall.

I did not realize it was a screw, which I would guess would lighten the starting load considerably.
I like that idea. In fact, I’ve been using my little 20 gallon I brought from home. It’s a great compressor and fills fast, just lacking in the CFM that I’ll need the screw compressor for.

I just double checked, and the screw compressor is a 20HP, not 25 like I thought. Doesn’t change things TOO much, but we shall see how it goes.
Got the control panel temporarily wired for test run before running all the conduit.

Naturally, neither the instructions nor the company's website have a wiring diagram for the switch on the cover, so I need to contact them for help.

