Photo shop help?



Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
Tablerock Lake
I am absolutely clueless, but was wondering if someone on here could help clean up this old picture of my daughters 67 FB, and my race car?
This is a little better, my wife scanned it.
Thanks in advance!

gmopar59, you already improved it some, thanks. It would be nice to be able to see the inside of the left slick, but it has lost its definition with the age. Maybe crop out the grass in front, I dunno, I have almost zero knowledge of this sort of thing.
I'll do something to it too.. just a few photo restoration tricks I know.
Don't worry.... I still have my day job.


  • 01967b.jpg
    93.9 KB · Views: 140
Tried my best. I couldn't get the definition back on the slick without it looking funny. I tried but it's extremely subtle and you can't really tell. But I tried recoloring some... cropped what I thought should be cropped. I dunno. I may be tired, but it looks better to me.

yeah like zach said, that left slick is gonna be damn near impossible to ge the definition back with. It'd be possible to duplicate the right slick and flip it to make it look like the left, but it'll never be the true left from the image back. Too blended.
I think I got the rest of it though! Where are ya HemiEd?

Just got back from the bowling alley. I threw one ball, but we had enough guys so I decided to wait until next week when the stitches are out. :D

You guys all Rock, these are cool and thanks. I am saving them all! I appreciate the effort, thanks again!
I have to ask-- is that a Kansas plate on the daughter's car?