Pics from my not so recent trip!



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Amelia, Ohio
I got bored tonight and figured out how to use photobucket so I figured I would post some pictures from my solo adventure to Rocky Mountain National Park.



Nice trip, never get tired of looking at stuff like that. Crossed that finish line many times over the years.
I was on that dirt road for about 70 miles all together and that rental car was a blast.



That's my friends auto cross car. He runs a vw shop in Denver and also has a speed record under his belt in his golf.
This was the first week of October. The weather was in the 60s and 70s during the day and the elk were in full rut. I saw at least a dozen each day. I had rain on one day and decided to drive up to Wyoming and back down behind the front range. I would recomend staying in estes park. Only one fastfood place and all of the local restaurants are amazing and if your doing the hotel thing there is a ton of resonably priced places.

Those are from trail ridge road. It does up and over the front range and takes you up to 13,000 feet. I was getting out and stopping at every single pull off. I couldn't get enough of the views up there.
I can't get over how clear that first picture is. I was hiking up to dream lake and my iphone broke so I was forced to snap a picture with my work phone which is an old flip phone and it turned out like that!

The first picture is the road into town. I miss seeing that every time I wanted to grab something to eat or head into the park.
I was planning this trip for about a year. I literally was begging people to come with me but non of my friends are really into traveling. I made the call and decided I would just go by myself. Now I love traveling by myself. I never spent more then a few hours alone besides when I was asleep. Other people were very friendly and if I wanted to do something random I was free to do so. The day I drove to Wyoming I was alone for the ride up and it was the best drive I ever had. I had the music blaring and the cruise control on the honda rental was set at 85 while I flew down the arrow straight highway without a car in sight. On the way back down I picked up a climber that needed a ride back to boulder. We took a little detour looking for some moose. That detour turned out to be a few hours on that dirt road. Before turning onto the dirt road we didn't see a house or shop or gas station for easily 15 miles. For someone from the Midwest like myself that was amazing. Anyways we ended up turning around and going back out to the pavement then had a nice hour drive through some big canyons to get back to boulder. That rainy cloudy day will stick with me for a long time.