Pinion depth setting

It’s the hypoid angle combined with the bevel angle of the ring gear.
That whole dynamic changes tolerance allowance down to less than .005 of an inch. Pretty well turns it into a game of “its right!” vs. “every other possible setting away from correct.”
You stop that. You're just a hillbilly redneck. lol
In my original post, I placed a decimal wrong.
The small piece of steel is exactly 0.500" (1/2") thick .
I have edited that post.
Sorry for any inconvenience, eh . .
In my original post, I placed a decimal wrong.
The small piece of steel is exactly 0.500" (1/2") thick .
I have edited that post.
Sorry for any inconvenience, eh . .
No problem.. I already have a section of .5x1x12” machined flat stock aluminum.
not all 8 3/4 cases are same. i measured the case and the cap differences, using factory gears , already shows how much shim to use, after market gears have to use pinion depth . with a t & d gear setter, it measures absolute pinion depth .for years i used flat plate and measured depth, with a depth mic, if you're off on pinion depth, gears will howl like mad, just food for thought