Pioneer Auto Museum, SD. Lots of pictures



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
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Vancouver Island, Canada
While on our cross Canada/US road trip, I convinced Carmen we should stop at the Pioneer Auto Museum in South Dakota, after we passed about 50 signs advertising it. It was a little run down, but there was a ton of cool stuff packed in there, not only cars, but old motorcycles, bicycles, antiques, etc. I especially liked the old AMC stuff, the S/Crambler, the Rebel Machine. The Superbird hidden away in there, the old Harley's, the 20's motor home, the Amphicar, the one with 16 wheels with the Hemi, etc.
For $9 a person, it was well worth it.

Read the sign..

Check out this cool car, it is a 1 of 1, it took the guy 15 years to build it. Features a 1st gen Hemi.

And the muscle car barn.

428 Ford.

And continuing through.


I liked that the cars weren't pristine and had faded paint, flat tires and dirty whitewalls. Totally cool.
Some really interesting pieces there, except of the hemi powered "Octo Red" POS, LOL. What LSD head dreamed that up?
Was there many years ago and looks like most stuff in the same place.

It isn't your typical museum, few if any MUSEUM QUALITY pieces there, just a lot of very cool stuff, cars and trucks outside that look like a barn lot find

But if in the area would stop again

And the stuff is for sale for the right price, one guy traveling with us was into the toys, bought 2 pieces for $1,100.00 I thought he was nuts, he said he would make money on them.
The old guy who set it all up was there when we went. He spoke in the commentaries about everything there, and was very knowledgable about each thing.
Wow, thanks for the pics. Was there back in the early 90's and had forgotten a lot of it. Very cool place and like you, love all the AMC's. Also like the Studebaker's.
Thank you so soooo very much for posing these great old historic pieces Mike :cheers:
That retractable 58 bird is so cool, I would almost bet it had a 312 or 352 police interceptor in it. I sure have been enjoying your trip and all the cool stories and pictures :D
A big thank you from this Arkansas member :cheers:
Thanks for the tour Mike. It has been 30 years since I've been through that place. Lots of fun old stuff. I have never seen a stock Henry J. There's one in there. tmm
We stopped there a few years ago. Great place. There is also a place south of there in Nebraska called Pioneer village that has many 2 story barns full of cars. Great places to stop when traveling.
Thanks for taking the time to post all those Mike :thumleft:. What a large collection of diverse items, very cool.
I was through there back in early 2001. Did they still have the letter from John Schneider's mom posted by the General Lee? IIRC, wasn't the General that they have in there a screen used one from the TV show? I think the letter from John's mom thanked the museum for preserving it.

For some reason, I was thinking they had a Tucker, but now that I think about it, it might have just been a radio antenna off a Tucker. It's been 13 years since I was there, so I'm sure I've forgotten a lot. Hell, I don't think I saw nearly as much of the museum as you did. I think it might be time to take a road trip in the near future. That's only about 12 hours from here, I can make that in a good day. Thanks for the pictures!!!
That's very cool, looks like there's anything and everything there. I also like that the condition of most everything is barn find grade.
Yes they did have a Tucker, it was originally Mrs. Tucker's car. the owners son took it back after the owners death, it was recently sold for an undisclosed amount. The Tucker was housed in the town where I live, our local cruise group was given a tour of the Tucker, and we were allowed to sit in and open and close the doors, etc.
Didn't Pioneer in Murdo, SD still have the white (A-body) Baracuda, I was there in the mid 80's(lived about 60 miles from there)then again a few years ago, I will have to see if I still have pics of the Baracuda.