Pit Bulls are....

But then again........we I'm sure some dogs would like to get a hold my other household "residents"! lol


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That's very true. For some reason, all the pitty breeds seem to have sensitive skin and skin allergies. I've had good luck with grain-free type dry dog foods. The kinds that get their carbs from sweet potatoes instead of rice or other grains work well. Just curious what other here have had success with.

I never thought about their food I always looked for special shampoo and that was the end of it. I'll switch up to the grain free stuff.
Daisy, our Blue Nose Pitbull and Shelby, an American Bull Dog-Pit Bull mix...
So far, other than some slightly over enthusiastic puppy play have has 0 issues...


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Great Picture!

When we got our pit about 2.5 years ago it was our first. Wasn't sure what to expect. Like you we had one instance of overly aggressive puppy play that took a chuck of hair out of our Lab's cheek. We watched their play closely and kept after the pit for awhile. No problems since.

They have been best buddies since!!! Here's one similar to yours.


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Yep, just look at how our ferocious pit mix is going straight for the throat of my son, all because of the abuse and neglect she receives!! Yep, hasn't had a tummy rub in what????...minutes now!!!!!


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What foods are you guys feeding your pits? My pit/boxer mix (like many) has some persistent allergies. I've been trying to find a good food that works with her system. She's on Nutro now, but still seems to itch at times.


my pit had some stomach problems but he done well on purena Salome and rice and some xantic lol
target practice !

Living life with blinders on....in more ways than one...

Damn shame ignorant folks criticize the breed and not the owners.

Anyone ever tried to harm my dogs THEY would be the ones with a target on their back. Did have a neighbor threaten one of my dogs for growling at him. Red was one of those dogs that was a great judge of character. AJ, the guy that threatened him, is an asshole, plain and simple. Pretty much everyone in the 'hood hates him. Has burned every bridge he ever crossed. Took him to the Napa I deal with. Rich, the manager, refused to help him...and told him to get out of his store.

Haven't spoken to AJ since he threatened my dog...and I threatened him with a loaded 1911...

Dogs that are vicious are that way because of the owner...if all Pits were killers why am I still here?

And you Sir, are now back where you belong...on my ignore list...
It is Sunday, time to load Daisy into the truck and take her for training. Which means she will be farting.. alot... lol
Lol, they definitely are fart factories!

Had a friend drop by yesterday with a rescue Pitbull. She is looking for a home for him. He came in the house, having never been here before, sniffed around a bit and after about 5 minutes actually came over to see me. Obviously not an aggressive / protective dog. He is roughly 2 years old, neutered and thick as a brick. Beautiful dog. In the mean time one of my neighbors popped over and walked in the house to chat with me. Again the dog didn't even pay attention to him for a few minutes and then walked over to another complete stranger and gave him a sniff, got a pet, and wandered off again. This fellow was obviously raised in a nice home and is very much a normal dog. The sad part is the owners have given up on him and decided not to retrieve him from the pound when he ran away to play with the neighborhood kids and was arrested. He has done this before and is known in the community as a friendly dog who will love and play with anyone. I don't think the original owners took him out much, but it is obvious they showed him love and raised him properly. He is funny as he walks around because he makes a grunt similar to a pig. It's hilarious! In any case he will find a new home now and not be killed due to owners that gave up on him. It is sad that many people who have no experience whatsoever are so fast to judge. Dogs are just products of their environment, much like children, and they both come with great responsibility. Congratulations on Daisy, Ink. I know you have many years ahead with one of the most loyal, lovable and smart dogs one could ever invite into their family. I sure miss my Motley, he was a true friend.
here's my boy, Had him 5 years from a pup and the wife brought the walking furball last year, the little one climbs all over him and hangs off his ears, He's definitely protective of our kids, and will stay swimming right beside out 8 year old when hes out in the surf at the beach. I'm sure he's also part kangaroo as he clears our 1.5 meter gate with ease, yet to find a toy that he doesn't destroy within 10 mins


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But then again........we I'm sure some dogs would like to get a hold my other household "residents"! lol

My Saint Bernard (RIP) would try to use them as a pillow. I guess he figured it was fair, since my cats used him as a cushion.