Please remove my thread



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Yep this is over for me I guess I will bite the bullet on this.I just exspected more than what I got.I hope i still have friends here.As you can tell I am here everyday its like a second family.
You for sure still have friends here. You're a good man for posting this, says alot about you.

All the best,
Put it behind you and start waxing!Get on with the 360,have fun,smile!Post as you carry on!It,s only money,this won,t be the last with old car!
Snake, don't worry about that post. I would enjoy the car the way it is. To the majority of people they will think your car looks great. And it does. For what you paid it looks pretty darn good. I'd open up that hood with pride at the cruise ins if it were mine. If you hold onto it then down the road you can get a more expensive higher quality job done.
Oh yeah, my car was bondo'ed up and has dirt in the paint but I don't worry about it. I like to drive it. And as far as I can tell no one else even notices.
It sounds like a good weekends worth of work can get alot of bugs worked out of your car.If you need help find someone who can help you line up your body panels.You can take care of the overspray yourself.As far as the engine compartment you can have the paint matched to the body and find someone to repaint it for you.You still got a nice looking car there.
Good Luck,Jim
It sounds like a good weekends worth of work can get alot of bugs worked out of your car.If you need help find someone who can help you line up your body panels.You can take care of the overspray yourself.As far as the engine compartment you can have the paint matched to the body and find someone to repaint it for you.You still got a nice looking car there.
Good Luck,Jim
Thank You. No Hard Feelings.
i can vouch for snake being a good guy. he sent me a whole shifter assembly i desperately needed for the cost of shipping. he,s an asset to fabo.
Snake :shock: What's up bud :blob: I just got back from supper with my wife 8) update me.:clock:
I think I got you beat for worst body and paint and I spent 10 times what you did , thats no reason to bail here there are still a lot of people with real character here at FABO and the tough luck sucker posts just show us all who the others are , I'm taking my car to the mainland to make a deal with Maaco for a " UH OH I should have got Maaco ad " to publicly shame the guy who scammed me { his ego is legendary and he wants people to believe he is the man when her shows up } either that or I'm going to put a big sign on the roof and go to every show in BC showing people what kind of work this guy puts out , so keep your chin up and your stick on the ice bud .:-D

don't forget " A happy customer may tell no-one but an unhappy customer tells everyone " "make it so number 1"
I would finish the rest of the work on the car, put some miles on it and
take care of the paint issue later.

I´ve done almost all of the work by myself on my Fastback and a lot of times
there has been moments when I´ve been unsatisfied with the result.
At such times I just leave the job for some time (a day, a week, or whatever time it would take to find the spark again).
Stick with it mate.
Dont give up.

Enjoy it for now, and save your money to get it done again and properly!
Yep this is over for me I guess I will bite the bullet on this.I just exspected more than what I got.I hope i still have friends here.As you can tell I am here everyday its like a second family.

I don't know all of the details of your post, but I would like to reassure you that your family here is behind you. There was an editorial in one of the Mopar magazines a while back about the level of cars that show up at shows and cruise-ins around the nation. In it there was a reference to a very nice older gentleman who would always come to this particular show driving his late 70's Volare. It was not the prettiest car at the show, and some would look at it and think "daily driver", or even worse. But this gentleman was very proud of his car, and although he didn't have the money to fix it up, or even repair it if it broke down, he was always at the show, enjoying the company and comraderie of owning an older car and sharing it with like-minded people. When the awards were handed out one evening, they presented him with an award that showed him their appreciation of his participation and love for his car and the hobby. The bottom line is this... your car doesn't have to be a winner on the show field, the drag strip or anywhere for that matter, to be enjoyed by you and all who would share the joy of the fruits of your labor. Drive it, share it, and do whatever you want with it, it's your car and the only happiness that matters is yours. To me, it's a very nice car and you should be proud of it!!! Please stick around and share it with us, your friends here at FABO!!! Geof
Very true swedefish finding the spark is the key.
I hear you on that Snake, It sure is a funny world some time ain't it.
I just hope things work out in the long run for you and things will work there selves out, I wish you was here with me today so we could just enjoy a day at the little drag strip I have close to home here with me today:happy10:
I will get some pictures to share with you
And I hope that J.R. "360scamp"Don't come to your house and kick you in the nurds :toothy10: I know it is frustrating as hell , But I hope you can have a good day brother.
Today is a new day I do plan on working on her.Your right guys I hace to press on.Luckey for me my Wife Cindy helps to keep my head up.The thing is being honest here we are poor people I work, she cant do to her illness,so money is always hard to come buy,so I do as much work as I can to save money,some people say you should knot have a car that cost alot of money you cant aford it,but this is our way to have fun and meet great people out there like the fine folks here.I am not working to just pay bills and the morgage and not get enything out of it.Thanks to all you have inspired me to keep cruising along for now.Reguards Don & Cindy.:cheers:
Stick around Snake, we all have to blow off steam once in a while. Important thing is that you and your wife enjoy your time together. Sounds like you two are a great team!
I hear ya! Every penny counts. I hate it when people say"you get what you pay for" when it comes to body work.

A true professional would make things right. I am sorry you are dissatisfied with the finished product. You might wish to express this in the form of a placard at car shows,stating who did the paint and bodywork. No insults or inuendo,just the name of the person or shop involved. When you asked about it,express your "opinion"!

I would color sand the overspray off. It's the safest way. Take your time,dont sand too much or you will break through the clearcoat. Use very fine paper,maybe 1500 grit or better and lightly sand it.Use no hand pressure,let the paper and sanding block do the work. This will make it easier to hand polish out
Fill a 5 gallon pail with warm water and ad some liquid dish soap to it. Use this to lubricate you paper by dropping all your wet/dry sandpaper in it.

If you drop any sandpaper on the ground, wash it or discard it. Any grit will leave deep scratches.

Use a constant supply of water while sanding to flush away any material. I like to use a light trickle from a hose,but some use a mister bottle.

Be patient.

Wash the vehicle when done.Make sure it is spotless,so hand dry it with something lint free. Then polish it out.

Power buffing is best left to a pro if you have never done it. It's real easy to burn a hole through the paint.