please watch this;nature of things MS wars.



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2004
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How would you feel if your spouse was denied the treatment that could save thier lives?

Lets face it,my M.S does nothing but get worse,will eventually put me in a wheel chair or kill me.

Is denial of treatment merely arrogance from the medical community?

Please watch and decide if the Canadian govt is telling a massive lie by denying M.S patients treatment.
When you hit 'play' it says 'this content is currently unavailable.' What's the gist of it?
To me this issue is a no-brainer.

1) The angioplasty that is used is already being done thousands and thousands of times for other vascular issues. Therefore it is already deemed a safe method for enlarging and opening blockages in arteries and veins. It is not a new, experimental procedure. It is tried and true.

2) The one-time cost of the procedure, if even only successful for a percentage of patients, will save the taxpayers huge dollars that would be spent in long term care treating symptoms of the disease in both medication and follow-up care.

Statements made "that if everyone were given the treatment would lessen the chance of follow-up and as such did not allow a proper trial to take place", or that "it will change the focus away from the other exciting and promising (sic) developments taking place" prove conclusively that the true goal of medicinal bureaucracy is not the successful elimination of disease (as it used to be), but the preservation of the institution itself.

Unfortunately, like many other specialized disease treatments, over the years millions of dollars have been invested in drugs, procedures, and worst of all bureaucracies, which may be jeopardized by the successful outcome of such a minimalist treatment. There are many who have aligned their entire career in the disease, and as such, they may no longer be relevant if it is proved successful.

It is no different than the methodolgy used by doctors to prescribe medications for symptoms, when in reality, a lifestyle change can negate the need for them. Perfect examples are high blood pressure and chlorestorol.

There is a belief by many that a cure for cancer will never be found. For if it was, there would be millions of people unemployed. From scientists, to drug manufacturers, to the specialized medical community, to the manufacturers of the specialized equipment used, and most of all, the huge numbers of people who's daily job is fund-raising and overseeing the huge industry which has been built up around it, there are too many people with a vested interest in their own personal priorities to allow it to happen.

We can only hope that with a strong enough voice, sanity will be forced upon the "system", and soon.

Take care,
Oneofmany;Thankyou for such a clear and concise comment! I'm glad you saw EACH and EVERY lie the medical professional's had prepared for the camera.Im also really glad the govt of Saskatchewan saw fit to go ahead with clinical trial's because MS patient's have a right to treatment now,now 10 yr's from now,especially a tried and true proven medical practice with zero side effect's.

David;It sound's like the CBC websight is playing games and only allowing Canadians access to this video.Weird,but I've had the reverse done to me. American websight not allowing me to view content because of me not being American. I guess they can tell with an i.p address. where you are?

Anyways the "gist" as you said is this; The show was basically about the lack of responce to M.S patient's need's by the Canadian medical proffesion and gov't,and the Canadian public's response via internet etc. More specifically the Dr Zamboni liberation treatment,angioplasty on blocked neck viens responsible for draining stagnant ,used blood from the brain.It's about the lack of a timely response to a Canada wide crisis;M.S is a huge disease in Canada,we have the world's highest rate,people are dying of the disease here (or have thier entire lives taken away by it so they might as well be dead)and the FACT that neuroligist's REFUSE to take part in ANY studies regarding the angioplasty procedure thanks to godlike arrogance and an entrenched medical proffesion establishment that is over 150 yr's old and need's immediate review.The problem M.S patient's have with our medical system is we don't have 10 yr's to wait while the research drag's on and various lies are told to delay it even further.EVERY day that goes by is another day I wonder about how long I have before I'm in a wheelchair and selling my Dart. Seeing how Doctor's take an oath to do no harm I cannot see how they can stand on the sidelines like this as thier inaction is harmfull to thier M.S patient's. The medical profesion MUST acknowledge that they are WRONG this time.150 yr's of having it your way is enough! RESPOND TO PATIENT NEEDS NOT YOUR OWN!!! This angioplasty has been around for 100+yr's and been used EVERY TIME a patient has a blockage that threaten's thier health. So why the **** dont M'S patient's count and get this treatment? Because they are calling it experimental,after 100 yr's of use this is thier excuse? LAME!

Personally I would'nt give a **** if I died on the operating table. It would release me from my hell. But if I CHOOSE to die having an operation that will save my life and change it forever to the good,it's my business not thier's.They have anecdotal evidence in the thousands that this procedure works,brings relief and is VERY LOW RISK. Literally thousands of Canadians have flown out of country to have it done,and the success rate appears to be about 75%.

And yet,a Canadian hospital refused to treat an M.S patient having complications from this prodedure and let him die.

So in conclusion this is about a broken medical system that doesnt meet it's patient's need's. Perhaps the Canadian govt will use this as evidence to get rid of our medical system. It would be just like those moron's..
When you hit 'play' it says 'this content is currently unavailable.' What's the gist of it?
here ya go [ame=""]MS Wars - Hope, Science and the Internet INTRO - YouTube[/ame]

I hope they get it right, needsaresto, all the best
Thaks Valiantdogs! I should have thought to do that. Silly games being played by websight's these days.