Plug read, opinions needed

The amount of knowledge and brainpower in this thread is overwhelming for a peasant like me that's new to plug reading. Pretty incredible.
Thanks, I completely agree with you. There is some great participation going on and I hope it continues.
Are you indexing the plugs? I do that even on street stuff. Just apart of the laundry list of things I've picked up and incorporate. If not.. then reinstal plugs where they came from & mark with a paint pen where the open tang faces.
Yea read back a few posts. I do not index plugs. I will on some higher end race only stuff, our big cube small block Ford in our race truck for example, but I didn’t on this. It’s a thought I’ll consider at this point if we think it will make a difference.
I sure am thankful for finally utilizing the ignore feature 100%. It's taken some time to not click on the messages anyway, but I got it licked. It sure makes for some peaceful reading. I highly recommend it.

I haven't put many on ignore, but it's amazing how you can put one member on "ignore", and suddenly the whole thread starts to make sense, once you get rid of the " chest-beaters, mis-information, and bullshiters" .!
If you don’t have a redneck lathe you need one.

plug chucked in a drill press and a cutter clamped in to a vise. Works like a champ. Takes about 2 minutes to cut the hex off the plug and the ceramic falls out.

looks like my fuel ring is right at .105 wide. I call that ever so slightly rich but because this is on boost, I’m happy with it. To correlate that to a number this pull was 11.8-12.1 from 3500-6200 on a gas scale.

now I just have to cut 7 more.

All 8 cut apart. I’m not sure I could be more pleased than I am with the tune up. Distribution is strikingly good for a carbureted big block with a large single plane. I see a little variation in fueling but nothing I am going to do anything about. This engine is happy and will live a long life. At some point I am going ask it to make a big big hp number but not for a few years.
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All 8 cut apart. I’m not sure I could be more pleased than I am with the tune up. Distribution is strikingly good for a carbureted big block with a large single plane. I see a little variation in fueling but nothing I am going to do anything about. This engine is happy and will live a long life. At some point I am going ask it to make a big big hp number but not for a few years.

That’s about as good as you can get really. You can pick the pepper out of the fly poop but when you run it that close to the edge a weather change can get you into nipping the ground strap off the plugs. Or worse.

I’m all for tickling the tail of the dragon but not punching said dragon in the face if you get my drift.
See Post #87. Which he’s also got a map showing the direction of orientation that the plug gaps face. Im curious if it would make a difference if he were to index the gap so that it faces the of the chamber.
I'm guilty of not reading pages and pages to have seent it.
That’s about as good as you can get really. You can pick the pepper out of the fly poop but when you run it that close to the edge a weather change can get you into nipping the ground strap off the plugs. Or worse.

I’m all for tickling the tail of the dragon but not punching said dragon in the face if you get my drift.
Yea I completely agree. It’s safe, it’s happy, and I’ve punched that dragon in the face and I’m tired of rebuilding expensive crap. This one is staying right where it’s at even if it costs me a little fuel economy. I’ve got 40 gallons on board, it’ll be fine.
You’re missing out.
I catch the 1st page, then get busy...then when I come back its 4 pages ..not to be a shitter BUT 1/4 of the replies arent worth reading imo. Lol
I agree its happy..or happy enough.
I'll tell you this... the spot could simply be wet fuel that pizzled out, like a residual fuel from a booster but more like the intake runner. I've seen this 'not like this situation'... but with hot plugs that get a drop on them.
I'll go back and read some of the earlier pages, I'll probably have to hit the "see ignored posts" to get it all. Lol
Thanks for sharing your build and this inquiry for us all to examine n offer up cause
Garret, I’m lucky to live so close to a world class dyno room. Steve Brule, IMO, is the industry standard when it comes to running a dyno and tuning this junk. I’ve said it before, when he talks I listen. That being said I didn’t want to wear out my welcome, he is extremely busy and had a free day and snuck me on to
the dyno last minute (I was there Saturday night right as they finished shooting engine masters setting up my junk). Throughout the session I asked as many questions as I could, Steve shared his knowledge every single time, he’s a great Dude. I will cut the shells off the plugs and take a few of them down there for him to look at and get his opinion on. But I’ll have my ducks in a row before I do.
It would be realy cool if you could post some pic's of those plugs with the shells cut off.
Thanks in adavance
Jim K
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Only picture of the chamber I have.
That actually makes sense when you look at the chamber shape and how close the plug is to the valves. A projection tip is going to be right in the edge of the flow path. I don’t recall seeing if you had mentioned what cylinder head that is, but it looks plenty trick.
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Brule suggested a switch to a non projected tip NGK. specifically an
R-5671-A7. Same heat range. That will be the first change I’ll make.

NGK 4091 R5671A-7 Racing Plug

Changing to a non projected plug was going to be one of my wild assed guesses. If by chance if it changed the way the plugs looked I wouldn’t have a real clue as to why, other than other wild assed guesses.

And that guess would be that you are moving the very tip of the plug out of an area in the chamber that has a vortex swirling around.

Of course, that is blatant speculation at best.
How in hell did I miss that, never saw any notifications on the posts.
Those fuel bands look great, nice work.
Thank you. I’d love to take credit for all of it but Brule deserves the credit.
Changing to a non projected plug was going to be one of my wild assed guesses. If by chance if it changed the way the plugs looked I wouldn’t have a real clue as to why, other than other wild assed guesses.

And that guess would be that you are moving the very tip of the plug out of an area in the chamber that has a vortex swirling around.

Of course, that is blatant speculation at best.
I like your thoughts. And it’s the first thing on the list to try when this thing gets stabbed in the boat.
That actually makes sense when you look at the chamber shape and how close the plug is to the valves. A projection tip is going to be right in the edge of the flow path. I don’t recall seeing if you had mentioned what cylinder head that is, but it looks plenty trick.
Not in this thread but I started a thread a few months back about setting up installed hight and how close guys strive for perfect while I was setting these up. There’s a lot of pictures and measurements in that thread. These are 360cc, CNC ported pro max BBC Chinese heads that my machinist did guide work, a new valve job, installed Manley severe duty inconel exhaust valves, and stainless intakes in. The chambers are all cnc cut and measured 120-121cc on all 8. They were a lot of work ($$$) to get where they are.
And that guess would be that you are moving the very tip of the plug out of an area in the chamber that has a vortex swirling around.

Of course, that is blatant speculation at best.
Although it may be speculative at best, it’s probably the best reasonable explanation going right now. Hopefully we’ll be fortunate enough to hear some more information from Brule on exactly why.

I also like watching Steve Brule dyno tests. Does he own Westech? If not, who does & do they work along side Steve? Thanks.
@Bewy Steve Brule does not own Westech but basically runs the place. Here’s an interview that in the first few minutes, explains exactly what you’re asking.

Update, I went down to Westech yesterday to return some arp 12 point bolts we used in my balancer and brought my plugs with me. I walked in right in the middle of an engine masters shoot, oops. I apologized and said I’ll come back but Brule actually took time from filming to come examine my plugs, I can’t say enough nice things about him. He was thrilled that I cut all the shells off as he says his customers rarely do that and bring them back for him to look at. Said it’s nice to see his equipment is still producing results he expects. He’s happy with the fuel ring, and where the timing is at, as well as the heat range at 7 and has exactly the same opinion on the dark mark at the end of the ground strap as I, and some others here have. He said it’s likely some turbulence in the chamber and where the plug is located. I asked about indexing the plugs and he said he’s never seen it make much difference. He also told me again he doesn’t like the projected tip plug and told me I probably won’t see that mark show up with a standard tip plug. I put a set of NGK R5671-A7 plugs in it and will come back after the engine is in the boat and I make a couple runs to show you guys what the plugs and the tune up looks like in the boat.