Poison Ivy


64 AAR Valiant

FABO Gold Member
Sep 17, 2011
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K PAX Pennsylvania
Poison Ivy.

I get it every year the doc gives me steroids that clear it up fairly quick.
Only problem with them is they screw up my blood sugar, diabetic.
Anyone with a home cure that actually works?
Calamine lotion is the go to thing for my wife :glasses7: Me, it don't bother me< if i don't bother it :smile:
search for home remedies that I can't remember :banghead:
Sorry cant help ya ... But i can tell ya dont ich it lol I just live though it ...I like the bubble ideal it would work .... But for real i have to go with memike
First thing I believe you will want to do is learn what poison ivy as well as poison oak looks like....lol
I use Cortaids removal scrub it will take it off if you where just exposed and it will stop it from spreading if you already have it. Its expensive at 35$ a kit lasts a while but to those of us that are deathly allegeric its a small price to pay to not worry. Use it everytime i feel i was near it or have. Havent got it since using it. Get Well soon.
Jewelweed, aka touch me not, aka witch weed and many other names. Crush the stalk and rub the liquid on the affected areas. http://customers.hbci.com/~wenonah/hydro/jewelwed.htm It's also good for bug bites/stings and other skin irritants/rashes.

Plantains are good for bug bites/stings also.

Cinnamon rubbed into a cold sore will shorten the healing time.

Apple cider vinegar will take care of heartburn.

Sassafras roots seeped in boiling water will make a tea, add a little honey and it will reduce blood pressure.

Garlic crushed and "sandwiched" between two pieces of gauze and applied to a bacterial infection will kill the bacteria and reduce the swelling (this will work for MRSA also, but will take longer than some high dose antibiotics). Use organic garlic....the stuff sold in stores that was grown in China is irradiated and won't work very well.

Half a lemon can be used to draw infection out of a open/scabbed wound.

Chewing willow bark and leaves will reduce fevers and pain.

Just a few helpful holistic healing methods. My family prides themselves on knowing how to use the land to prevent/cure disease and inflictions. The jewelweed is by far one of the best methods for poison ivy. My father used to use gasoline to "dry" it out and remove the oils. I used to get a rash from poison ivy, but outgrew it around 20 years ago. Hope these methods help.
My son caught poison ivy about a month ago. The doc treated him and also has him on this "test pill" where if he takes it, he will be immune to poison ivy. He hasn't gotten it yet since, but he has been staying away from the area that he got it also.
I knew a girl once that got poison ivy from head-to-toe, she had it EVERYWHERE.....she got it from "rolling around" in the weeds at a party with some guy lol!
I was trapsing through the wildwoods on my 4 wheeler this weekend in a short sleeve shirt. I am also very susceptable to the stuff and even a little spot will spread. What I did after the ride was wash my arms and face/neck with liquid dish soap right after the ride and a shower later in the evening using dial soap. BTW, Irish Spring will not wash off the oil which is the stuff we catch and that spreads. So far I did not get any spots from the ride.

GL with the stuff. BTW, it can be spread to another person - ask my old GF.
I have found the best way to get rid of it is by washing the area with acetone. It stings a bit but the itching stops instantly and it cures it faster than you can imagine. Acetone is the main ingredient in your wife's finger nail polish remover and paint thinner. Do NOT use it on the very sensitive areas of your body or you will be sorry! Hope this helps.
WOW !!! That looks painful, you need a doctor !! But being a former Marine I'd still try the acetone on a small area first. Good luck, I sure hope you get that cured.
As a youngster I would get it every year. I would go fishing with my dad and come home with it. Around about my tenth birthday I decided I would stay home. It didn't matter I still caught it from whatever residue that was on pops clothes. By my mid teens I seemed to develop an immunity for it. Then in my late forties back again. I've tried just about everything from gas to bleach. Nothing, not even the natural stuff some of you suggested. I used to let it run it's course about three weeks. The steroids work just don't like the side effects.
Thanks for the suggestions guess I will just stay on the drugs.
Roll a big fat blunt of marijuana and smoke it real slow. This will not take care of the itching but your out look upon your situation will become so much better
I get this stuff through work it is called oral ivy it is made in Springville Ut I dont think you can buy this over the counter. Active ingredients (HPUS) Rhus toxicondendron (Poison Ivy)3X. You put several drops in a 1/4 cup of water and take by mouth. I know it sounds crazy but it works.
..checked with the Doctor years ago.
he said the oil binds with the flesh to create a binary tissue or something that cannot be changed..no cure.
you may treat the symptoms but it has to run its coarse ..i.e be replaced by new tissue.
used to make a paste with salt and water to dry the ooze and soothe the burning itch
Yeah, I also got a bad case of it last year and the doctor had to perscribe me steriods not once, but twice just to get rid of it! That stuff is pure evil!! I tried a few other creams and oatmeal baths but not much else seemed to work. I had big blisters the size of marbles down my forearms and on my stomach and chest. Damn, it really sucked!!
Roll a big fat blunt of marijuana and smoke it real slow. This will not take care of the itching but your out look upon your situation will become so much better

That's putting it "bluntly".... :glasses7: