Police Tickets



Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2006
Reaction score
Victoria, Bc.
Do you Remember the FIRST ticket you ever received?
What was it for?
How much was it?

Share with us your experiences with the police.
Never had one... Lucky I guess.... im 28 now. Been tearing up the streets for years, and never got a ticket. Got pulled over a few times though!

I was 13 when I got my first ticket. It was for driving a motorcycle without a license. My mother had to go down to the courthouse with me to 'take care of it'. The judge let me off without a fine, but gave me a stern warning.
I was handed a ticket yesterday on my way home a little early since i have a cold/flu. I should also mention that im that of only 22, mind you that says nothing for who i am, most would say im a great driver and i respect everyone on the road which is true im in no rush and in the 5 or 6 years i have been driving legally and before i was legal to drive i had never once received a ticket for anything.
so with that said i got one yesterday. 370 dollars.

failer to wear seatbelt. (Mind you i was)
When the spotter cop saw me i put it on, but try telling that to the second officer. anyway

failer to display front licence plate... you know, honestly i think this is a bogus rule that i broke and should not have been inforced, some places you dont need to have one and they drive around just fine. bogus.

Failer to display "n" symble in window, now for those of you who dont know what this might be.. let me inform you that victoria BC has a monopolized insurance system built on stoners and drunks. ICBC, the current insurance and main insurance company here suggests that within your graduating licencing system when you first get your license you are required to display a L an L for learner, that last 2 years, then for the next 1 1/2 you are required to display a N an N for NEW, frankly im NOT new and anyone that suggests such a matter is going on pure jugdement, and thats ignorance, im a little upset at this matter, non the less, the ticket totalling 370 dollars is my FIRST ticket and i think it is unrulely to be justifyable and admerable. how can this cop. PIG if you will, find it just that my first ticket be worth almost 400 dollars not mentioning the car only cost me 200.

and to top it off and make my rant feasable. i was pulled over for going 66 in a 60 zone. its just a stretch of road 2 lanes wide in a urban area, no houses no people and no schools.

Thanks Cerwin
I have never received a speeding ticket but have been stopped many times for speeding. One time I was clocked gloing through a red light at 125mph. The cop pulled me over 2 towns later. License and regi handed over. He looked shocked, asked me if I was related to -------. I answered yes he is my grandfather. He got pale and handed me back my stuff and said you tell Joe, officer ---- said hello and let you go. Now get the hell out of here and slow down! After that I won a lot of money from friends betting I could, while a cop car was coming towards me, Stop , hole shot and bang gears :burnout: past him, pull over and wait for him and he would let me go. Worked like a charm!!!
Of course I was a stupid azzed 17 year old at the time in 1972. A more forgiving time.
Never had a "speeding ticket"....but should have had a few over the past (35) years. I have had a few from other offences and gotten off. When I was sixteen in my dad's 65 Dodge Polara, I was a "little" heavy on the pedal and laided a little rubber from a stop sign. (showing off), however the cop let me go when he seen me "the first time" (but not when I came back to do it agian). Back then we just got points, so my dad never found out. After that I didn't get any more, (I think, only because I learn to be more awhere what's around first...(you really learn what those cars look like quick). OK, I lied..5 years later, I got an impaired - Owch. :sad2:
In 30 years of driving, two tickets, deserved both.
Engaging in a speed contest $149 (a LONG time ago)
35 in a school zone (traffic school took care of it)

I won't list the distribution, but between my wife and two sons (20 and 22) there are four tickets. Two were dismissed (one on a technicality, but probably would have been won on the merits of the case), the other two were only semi-deserved (one was a case of not wanting to explain what my son was driving, the other the officer had no way of knowing the speed, but wrote the ticket anyway and then he lied to the judge).
i was driving in my car trying to keep up with a guy, i guess i passed an offduty cop at the time he came to my house at 6:30 in the morning asking for me cause he got my plates he said he could have charged me with exibition driving, no seat belt, following to closly no blinker, i had to tell what happened to the officer and my dad who was there, he was very upset concidering i just got the car and he told me DONT DO THAT STUFF. I ended up getting a ticket for an illegal lane change $94.00 :cwm10: later on about 6 months later i got an exibition driving ticket....$69 wth wouldnt exibition driving be worse :wack: and my dad knows with me getting behind a v8 aint gonna help, his friend helped point that one out :mad:
In high school my first car was a 73 scamp 318. I was headed to school after picking up the pastors son and daughter and i had a cop following me through 3 stop signs while doing 15 over the speed limit. Needless to say it wasn't the last. When i was in basic training the great state of AZ sent me a 6 month no driving ticket. Great thing i had no use for a car for that time. Since i have been back from Japan, about 4 years, I have had 0 tickets. (knock on wood.) Hell thats with owning an 04 mach 1 mustang to boot. Guess things have slowed down in my life. Now i run an 05 G35 and like the slower more padded lifestyle.
Oh god I'm having a flashback. Back in the early 70's I was 1/4 racing a Kawasaki 750 triple 2 stroke (10 second 1/4's). One sunday morning I took it out of the shop and did a run down main street, 4 blocks, and right out of town. Upon returning the R sump was waiting for me and was he pissed. I thought he was going to shoot me. The bugger was hideing between the grain elevators and his radar said I was going 105 mph. He confiscated my bike till I went to court and was fined $250 for dangerous driving and 6 demerits. After that I did all my testing out of town.
i drive a 87 tempo.. the car cant even speed going down a hill..
but it sounds like you guys sure like the wind on your tongue...
Cerwin said:
i drive a 87 tempo.. the car cant even speed going down a hill..
but it sounds like you guys sure like the wind on your tongue...

So if a 85 TEMPO gave you this much greef :cry: ...Look out when you get that 360 going :notworth: :toothy7:
I got a trespassing ticket when I was 18 for fishing on private property. Thats the only one.
It has been many years since my first ticket. I believe it was for speeding. Don't remember how much it was. And that was just the begining. Lost count of how many I have had. Last one was 3 years ago for speeding in my Dart. I think the fine was $250.
I was 16- my first one- left my buddies house at like 11:00pm- it was kinda cold and I had to get home (curfue) so my choke was still half shut- I was just idling basically, but got hit for like 49 in a 40 zone, I think it was like 40 bucks- I've always got cheasy little tickets in my dart, but when I had my souped up little s-10 I got more than all of my darts put togather- in other words I was a dumb kid that didn't learn very fast- I guess thats what happen when Montana doesn't have a speed limit when you get your license and then take it away 2 years later! I blame the state for all my tickets!
I was 16, had a 75 mach 1 stang.(I know im bad) Just was out showing off my first eng mod.(cam shaft swap). I pulled out of a parking lot(in down town with lots of spectaters) and got the thing to burn the tires in 2 gears, in front of a cop. When i say in front of a cop ----like across the road. He seen me pull in the lot,shoot the s&*t, and let em eat. At least it was a good smokey burn out. Cost like 50 bucks and tellin the old man you got nailed.
17 years old (1973) Drag racing in East Detroit Mich. On Gratiot, a famous cruising street. Raced a friend in his AMX. At least I won. I believe it cost $60 and I had to go to traffic school for about 10 hours over the next two months.
By the way, if you're pulled over for anything take it to court even if you are guilty as sin. In the last 10 years I've gotten pulled over 3 times ( all of them were VERY chickenshit) and when I went to court the cop never showed up- all three were dismissed. Try it it works. EVen if the cop shows up, a lot of times they will plea bargain it down, possibly without points. Its a pain to go to court, but it beats high insurance costs.

AdamR said:
I got a trespassing ticket when I was 18 for fishing on private property. Thats the only one.

Been there and done that, but no ticket or fine.
washed 2 tracktor's and one truck,
the fallowing year he gave me permission to fish his lake,
I was 23 year's old when that happened and I still fish that lake today.It is still posted so I only fish it alone, and it is one of my favorite fishin hole's.
Just one trafic ticket{ failer to stop} 4:00 am on my way to work.
quess Ive been lucky or blessed. :thumblef: :drinkers: