Pop It Out?



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Hey all. i started working an the rust on the roof of the Swinger. One issue is it looks as if some one sat on the roof at one time and put a dent in it. I can push it out from the inside but as soon as I let go it just pops back down. I was thinking I can heat the metal and then cool it fast. Will that work to shrink the metal? or dis there some other way to get it out? Any one have any idea? I will post a pic of what i an talking about but not sure if the dent can be seen in a pic.
OK so here is the pic. i hope you can see the dent.

Shrinking it with heat and then quickly cooling it with cold water should work. Just be careful heating such a large flat surface so you get no warpage..
If you don't know what you're doing with the heat, you're likely to make the roof worse than it currently is. It'd be well worth the expense to have a quality body guy fix that, or you may end up regretting it. Not doubting your experience, but I'd hate to see you trash the entire roof.

try pushing on it by hand to pop it out, but don't force it. If you don't know whatn you are doing, then you can make the rest of the roof worse. You can also fill it with a quality filler if its not too deep (less than 1/4"). Use Evercoat Featherlite for filling it.
i have pushed up. when i move my hand it just pops back down. at one point it is deep, i dont think that filler will do the trick. I had a guy say I should just use a dolly and a body hammer. i will get with a friend that runs a body shop and see what he can do for me. thanks for your help.