Porting - before or after valve job?



Skate And Destroy
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Stamford, CT
You guys who port your own heads - do you get your valve job done before you start grinding? If so, why?

I might be answering my own question here because I am planning to get a set of heads cut for larger valves. But just for discussions' sake, I'd like to hear a general consensus on this particular subject.

BTW, I have two sets of 89-91 roller cam 308 heads and a set of MP porting templates.


- Greg
Needs to be after in your case.......

If you are cutting for bigger valves, you'll be forced to grind more to match the bowl/throat into the larger valve seat.

Even if it were the same size there'd be additional work required after the new seats were installed.
yea ask them to also use the cutter deep so it makes it easier to blend and less work/material removed with the die grinder
If you can, ask them to do the cut for the larger valves, take the heads home and do the porting then have the valve job done. I can guarantee if you do the valve job before porting you'll nick a seat (or 2 or 3) and have to have it/them re-done.
Normally I would say before the valve job incase your grinder runs amuk but in your case I would get the seats cut then do the grinding then take it back to get the seats ground
Cool, thanks for the info. Cutting the seats, then porting then valve job seems to make the most sense.