Post Your Prayer Requests



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
Vacaville Ca
Let me start by saying this is an awesome community! I have learned so much and made many Mopar friends.

I have noticed in the last year or so the increase in folks needing prayer. I am a believer in the healing power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through prayer. So I’m going to throw this out there. Whom ever post their prayer needs here I promise to pray for that person and/or the persons/circumstances. I will mark your request with a “like” after I have prayed. I will check the thread frequently throughout each day. I encourage others to pray with me and “like” the request afterward. And please reply to your prayer request when it has changed or been answered. Praise reports are awesome! Remember God is good! He may not answer our prayers the way we would like but I believe that no prayer goes unanswered or unheard.
God bless


If the mods find this is appropriate, well then they will do what they have to do, and I’ll pray for them too!
I'm not a religious person.
That said, this is a wonderful thing for you to do.
Thank you :)
I am thankful for this thread My wife who has been battling depression for about 15 years has entered another cycle. She’s 39 and bloodwork showed she is in menopause. I think that created a perfect storm. She left me and my son feb 15th after 19 years of marriage. Moved out. Legally separated, stopped going to church...full spiral. Last several weeks she seems better but is getting her own house and sees my son regularly. But some days she’s friendly to me other days she’s gone. Pray for me and my son in dealing with this rollercoaster, and that she gets some clarity/God softens her heart. I will say God has really protected me and it’s obvious. My BIL moved in this September and for 6 months he saw her behavior change. He still lives at my house. She wanted quick cash so she got bought out of the house, didn’t take any of my pension (21 years) nor 457 plan. Just her share of equity in the house and small child support (due to 50/50). I hope she wakes up but I know Gods carrying me
I am thankful for this thread My wife who has been battling depression for about 15 years has entered another cycle. She’s 39 and bloodwork showed she is in menopause. I think that created a perfect storm. She left me and my son feb 15th after 19 years of marriage. Moved out. Legally separated, stopped going to church...full spiral. Last several weeks she seems better but is getting her own house and sees my son regularly. But some days she’s friendly to me other days she’s gone. Pray for me and my son in dealing with this rollercoaster, and that she gets some clarity/God softens her heart. I will say God has really protected me and it’s obvious. My BIL moved in this September and for 6 months he saw her behavior change. He still lives at my house. She wanted quick cash so she got bought out of the house, didn’t take any of my pension (21 years) nor 457 plan. Just her share of equity in the house and small child support (due to 50/50). I hope she wakes up but I know Gods carrying me
Continuing to lift you and the family up in prayer my friend.
I'm not a religious person.
That said, this is a wonderful thing for you to do.
Thank you :)

I'm not religious either. Religion is man made. I have faith. Faith in Jesus Christ.
I am bad with the words but the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are from the heart. A newly rebuilt unit that was rebuilt with a lot of FABO faith. Thanks @RustyRatRod .
A friend was moved into hospice today. Her body is shutting down. Prayers for Neila and her family.
Prayers for my Father in-law George who just got diagnosed with Chronic myelogenous leukemia. Its treatable (not curable) but the treatment is $10K a month...WTH! Retired, insurance pays 80%, leaving him with a $2K a month prescription bill. Hospital got first year deductible 'waived', that prayer was answered! But if it were not for "Big Pharma".....? The power of prayer is mighty, but so are the gifts that God has given us to combat this and all other diseases.
I wish I could tell the whole story but several years ago I got big time sick from a simple urinary infection. I got down on my knees and prayed to God for the first time in years. Fast forward a year and I went to a small local church for a Wednesday night fund raiser for the churches youth group. Sunday I went to church. After the service I talked to the Pastor and told him I was in a bad place with God. I was a bitter soul after my father died with Alzheimer’s and my mother died with bone cancer. He asked if we could meet for coffee and instead I asked him to go do a 80 mile road trip to my favorite smoked meat shop in the mountains. He loved the place and I bought him breakfast and we talked for hours. The next day he, myself, and 3 other church members went shooting pistols. I was Baptized earlier this year and now go to Church almost every week and Bible study with other Friends. God is good.
My wing man's son, a sergeant in the US Army is in the base hospital at Ft. Campbell Ky. Seems one of the local pests stung him on the leg and it became badly infected. I've known the kid since he was 10. Surgery is probably underway at the moment to clean up the infection. Prayers for Sgt Jason.
A friend was moved into hospice today. Her body is shutting down. Prayers for Neila and her family.
Nelia passed yesterday. Didn't make it 48 hours in hospice. Funny thing, she was a hospice nurse at the same facility and was surrounded by friends and family.
My wing man's son, a sergeant in the US Army is in the base hospital at Ft. Campbell Ky. Seems one of the local pests stung him on the leg and it became badly infected. I've known the kid since he was 10. Surgery is probably underway at the moment to clean up the infection. Prayers for Sgt Jason.
Prayers and please thank him for his service, I appreciate it.
Sgt Jason goes through another procedure tomorrow. They don't think the pest was venomous, but the infection is substantial. Dang kid :BangHead:
Mom passed last week, 100 years old. While its been hard on me, I pray for my brother Paul. He was her main care giver due to them living many states from me. He saw her get bad near the end, and was with her when she passed. Wishing him the strength to pull himself up and be able to find joy in life in the future.