Power steering parts


7duce swinger

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
I feel like ive been living on this site for the past three weeks lol
I went to one of the local autozones yesterday, to purchase an alternator, and a piece thats broken on my powersteering box, to only find that it looked like i was speaking a foreign language to the guy behind the counter.

I need to know exactly what the fitting is called that connects to the power steering box, below the high pressure line. It has two small bolts and connects the low pressure line, usually a rubber hose im guessing to the steering box. I dont know what thats called and i cant get it unless i know what it is.

It's a 72 swinger if that help's, Mine is cracked and shoots fluid like crazy. So any help is appreciated ,thanks.
That's likely part of the pump and parts stores likely won't be much help. Need photos.

You sure it's not the hose itself? Return hoses are low pressure, and are often just clamped.
Well its dark right now, and i bolted it back on so i dont have pics at the moment.
Yea i know its part of the return, the rubber hose that just clamps on to the pump end and the steering box end, but i need the cast aluminum (it might be metal) piece that has the piece of piping on it that the hose goes over.
I've seen those pieces for sale on ebay. You might want to check there if you can't find one here.
Think it's the return inlet. See if this helps.


  • Power steering pump return.jpg
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