Pray for my.........FORD!!!

That Valiant looks great. Waggin great job on picking up the A body for Bruce?
Thank's rebel....delivering it was the job..bought it from bruce when times were tough for bruce.....Times are still tough for bruce and he's needin a daily's back where it belongs.....wish I could do more...:angry7:
we drag our mopars home by the means we have at hand,Kudo's to yur lil' whatever that thing is.....It brung the mopar got the mopar home thats all I got to say

I was bein kind. I gave him a compliment. Geez, are you just after me today or what? Let me know, I can disappear right quick.
Thank's rebel....delivering it was the job..bought it from bruce when times were tough for bruce.....Times are still tough for bruce and he's needin a daily's back where it belongs.....wish I could do more...:angry7:

I have a truck but I'm afraid it wouldn't do him much good. It needs a clutch I would gladly give it to him if someone can fix it and drive it to him.
No I'm not after you, if I was we wouldnt be havin this conversation, I may have been mistaken but I'll tell ya this one looked like ya was puttin the man down, I'm pretty sure I wasnt don't have to prove anything to anyone...but if your on f.a.b.o. havin some manners is a plus. to get along with me ya gotta git along with the rest of the members and if ya dont... yur pissin up a rope. rob you kinda scare me from the git go and I say that publicly tone yur *** down and stop pushin the fence with me and anyone else and they gonna like you,and the same goes for me..I done heard what a good guy you are and I'm open to meeting you and prolly give ya a big ol bear hug but stop with the little man syndrome,I of all people should have that.....I don't...I don't care how big or small someone is if they's wrong...they's wrong and all the *** beatins in the world won't change my opinion....think to treat everyone the way you want to be treated and it shall be so! Just try and not be such a smartass, not everyone can see and know yur just a big ol teddy bear(and ain't nuthin wrong with bein a big ol teddy bear say's me :cheers:
I was bein kind. I gave him a compliment. Geez, are you just after me today or what? Let me know, I can disappear right quick.
I put some extras in the cargo area to hopefully help him out.....Uhhhm just his paypal address,he'll hopefully have the energy to put up an auction with extra stuff layin around and I'm sure we'll all add in more stuff to auction off for the cause