Prayer request for my brother

Arn't we glad Jesus taught us how to pray.

It is the most powerful tool in our tool box to help with lifes difficult tasks.

I'm glad to join with all these other prayers for your brother and the others that are facing these health issues.
praying that the surgery is going well, please keep us posted,Joe
Update: It was a good thing he had this surgery because they discovered a fistula (intestine forms a side-tunnel.) So it wasn't a simple surgery, and he has a long road ahead; fortunately he has a lot of support. Thank you for your prayers today, they are gratefully received.
I just said a prayer for your brother Chris. I hope and pray you both have better days ahead.
Glad he made it through the surgery. Now heal him up and get him back up on his feet...
Just seen this, praying for a good recovery for Chris.

Thank you Stan for your prayers even as you are battling a foe of your own and you had a tough day yesterday. I checked out your blog, it's amazing, your daughter is incredible to do that, it's easy to see why you say you have a lot to live for! Prayers coming for you too sir!
Oh by the way little brother is awake, talking some and giving the thumbs-up sign. Thanks again y'all.
Although late, prayers have been sent.
A buddy of mine has an adult son with Crones disease also. The last time I seen him he looked like a new man! He said that he stopped drinking fluoridated water and only drinks well water now.
Although late, prayers have been sent.
A buddy of mine has an adult son with Crones disease also. The last time I seen him he looked like a new man! He said that he stopped drinking fluoridated water and only drinks well water now.

Cal! Thank you for your prayers and thank you for the tip on fluoridated's the first I've heard about I googled it, and found an AWESOME Blog called that I think will really help my little brother. A guy in his '20's who has overcome the disease and tells his whole journey.

I'm really leery of buying into the whole medication thing, where they suppress your immune system. I think we need to have strong immune systems! (Not knocking anyone who takes those meds if it works for them.)

Just wanted to say thanks and you may have helped lead my brother to some good info!

No news since yesterday morning, I figure Chris just spent the day resting and groggy. Thanks everyone for the prayers, he still needs them.
he still needs them, Well he will continue being in our prayers here on the hill David ..