

stan marshall

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
northern mi
I have been going through so tough times since the middle of april.
I have had 4 back operations, the first in 1969 when i was 21. I now have rods and fusion and no dr can help anymore. I have been in unbearable pain for the last 2 months. I love to keep busy and
i can't do anything. My wife works and it is really hard to put so much on her. Drs can't help but i know that god can. If i didn't have that hope i wouldn't be able to stand thinking this was for the rest of my life.
Please pray that i will be healed. I covet your prayers.
Thanks stan
Prayers on there way, How is your nea doing bud ?
Keep your mind busy is the best advice I can give you.
I'm gonna be prayin' for you every time I feel a pain in my own back......and that's about every 2 minutes or so. Hang in there, and keep your faith. Doc
A prayer has been sent for you...