Prayers For John Force


"Force was able to exit his car and was alert and talking with the Safety Safari workers on site before he entered an ambulance."

Well THAT is a positive note, at least

"Force was able to exit his car and was alert and talking with the Safety Safari workers on site before he entered an ambulance."

Well THAT is a positive note, at least
Indeed and a testament to how safe these cars have evolved.
Adding to this, John is 75 now. I have total respect that he has big enough balls to still be doing it, but at what point do you decide to retire? In five more years, he's EIGHTY. lol
Still a young man.
Relatively, yes. I'm in the process of building a 283 for a friend's father in law. The old guy's 80. 65 short bed step side Chevy truck. 283 with a muncie 4 speed. He lost his wife a couple of years back and now wants his truck "right" after a local machine shop just screwed the whole engine up. I'm going back through it making sure this time it's done right. He's pretty excited about it. Lookin at him, you'd swear he was no more than 65. In fact, he insisted on pulling the engine himself and he's insisting on putting it back in himself. I hope I'm in that good a shape at 80.
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I believe Chris Karamesines finally quit running his top fuel car..... at 83.
Edit: I short changed the Golden Greek. He ran 305 at age 86, in 2018, hung it up at 89.
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OMG. I hope he is OK. You gotta wonder what in the world happened to make it blow like that. I used to race at that track.
OMG. I hope he is OK. You gotta wonder what in the world happened to make it blow like that. I used to race at that track.
Have you seen how much nitro they push through those engines? If it doesn't burn the fuel it can hydro-lock on fuel....

This is one cylinder worth of fuel.... And it was fifteen years ago... No telling how much fuel they are pushing through the engine these days...

Damn, just damn.... that's one hell of a wreck, I sure hope he's doing alright.
Always admired him, especially love watching the interviews with him after a race. One hell of a man.
Fuel can only burn so fast. That is why the ignition has to have advance to go faster. But you reach a point where the next cylinder has to fire. The reason that the cars go faster now is not based on power, but tire traction and clutch slip.
They have worked and worked and worked at making these cars safer. Not only for the driver but the spectators too. Funny car owner Jim Head has been a big part of this. If Dale Earnhardt had half the safety built into these cars that wreck would have never killed him.